1. He watered with a curved vessel, drawing shapes and squares,
A pouring rain, and strings and pairs.
١. سَقى بالمنْحَنى رسماً ورَبعَا
مُلِثٌّ هاطلٌ وتراً وشَفْعَا
2. I restrain my palm from that, for my ear
Has become deaf to reproach, hearing no more.
٢. أعاذلُ كفَّ عذلك إنَّ أذنى
لقد صمَّتْ عن التذال سَمْعَا
3. Do you deny that an old malady befell the youth?
This did not come from him, it was predestined.
٣. أتنكرُ مِن فتًى داءَ قديما
فهذا ليس منه صارَ بِدْعَا
4. If you ever suffered a day what he suffers-
Passion you could not repel.
٤. ولو قاسيتَ يوماً ما يقاسى
غراما ما أطقْتَ لذاك دَفْعَا
5. He sleeps writhing, melting in yearning,
As one melting from the bite of snakes does pine.
٥. يبيت مسهَّداً ويذوبُ شَوْفاً
كما قد ذَابَ من لَسَعَانِ أَفْعَى
6. How can one sleep when consumed by tender thoughts?
The fires of yearning fill his innards with burning stings.
٦. وكيفَ يبيت ذَا نومٍ مَشُوقٍ
ونارُ الشوقِ ملءُ حَشَاه لَذْعَا
7. By my soul, those who disparage, though they draw apart,
Him I love, they quarter in the valley of misfortune.
٧. بنفسى الظاعنونَ وإن تَنَاءَوْا
بمنْ أَهْوى وحلُّوا ربع سلْعَا
8. When she who has his love and affection intends
To sip from her sweet lips, she bites him unawares.
٨. إذا ما همَّ عاشقها وِداداً
برشْفِ لَثَاتها رامته لَسْعَا
9. The sun sketched her in the dawn with light,
And when the darkness of night journeyed, it made her radiant.
٩. حَكَتها الشمس في الإشراق نورا
إذا سفرتْ دُجًى بالليل فَرْعَا
10. The sheen of the sublime King was bountiful,
And the open-handedness of the noble son became his nature.
١٠. وجلَّ نَدَى المليك عن العطايا
وجودُ بلعرِب صار طبعا
11. He strove for gifts without a guide,
By my soul, whoever strives tomorrow for good!
١١. سَعَى للمكرُماتِ بِلا دليلٍ
بنفسى مَن غدا للخير يسعَى
12. He spent his days doing good and bringing benefit,
Gathering wealth to give generously,
١٢. وَأضحى للمعالى والموالى
مدَى أيامه ضَرَّاً ونفعَا
13. And sharing it among companions, gathering.
He has a glance that watches over people gently.
١٣. ويجمعُ مالَه للبذْل جُوداً
وتفريقاً على الأصحاب جَمْعا
14. By my soul, he shepherds all the people!
He has a noble son, eminent in realms and glory,
١٤. له طرفٌ يراعِى الناس طُرّاً
بنفسى مَنْ جميعَ الناس يَرْعَى
15. Though wealth has become his pasture.
He surpassed people in munificence and bounty,
١٥. ونجلٌ بالممالِك والمعالىِ
وإنْ أمواله أصبحن مَرْعَى
16. Just as he surpassed them in origin and ancestry.
Abu Al-Arab, the open-handed, the vast, compliant,
١٦. لقد فَاق الأنامَ ندًى وجودا
كما قد فاقهم أصلا وفَرْعَا
17. If Time called him, he obediently responded.
Sirri, the glorious, generous, valiant,
١٧. أبو العرب الجواد الرحب باعا
إِذا نادى الزمان أجاب طوعا
18. Courageous, subduing enemies with might.
Firm, lordly, lofty, sublime,
١٨. سرىُّ ماجدٌ معطٍ هِزَبْرٌ
شجاعٌ يَقمعُ الأعداءَ قَمْعَا
19. Tranquil, ruling, lowering and raising.
Clement, governing, wise, judicious,
١٩. شديدٌ سيّدٌ سامٍ سَمِىٌّ
سليمٌ مالكٌ خَفْضاً وَرَفْعَا
20. Kingly, possessing, extending and withholding.
Pure, approved, and ever-faithful,
٢٠. حليمٌ حاكمٌ حكمٌ حكيمٌ
مليكٌ مالكٌ بسطاً ومنْعَا
21. Decisive, executing judgments with resolve.
He has a palm more generous than rain,
٢١. صفىٌّ مرتضَى وال موالِ
حسامٌ يقطعُ الأحكامَ قطْعَا
22. And a heart encompassing the horizons in capacity.
O son of two noble roots, pride by origin,
٢٢. له كَفٌّ يفوقُ الغيث جودَاً
وقلبٌ يُشْبه الأرضينَ وسُعْا
23. For pride in you is no innovation!
O seed of the foremost, who ruled and were generous,
٢٣. فَيَا ابنَ الطيبينَ الأصلَ فخراً
فإِنّ الفخرَ فيكم ليسَ بِدْعَا
24. And in wars were most violent in striking!
O son of the Approved, kindness incarnate! I
٢٤. ويا نسلَ الأولى سَادُوا وجادُوا
وصارُوا في الحروبِ أشدَّ وَفْعَا
25. With the first fruits of meanings have come seeking thy bounty.
Thy rule has encompassed East and West,
٢٥. ويا ابنَ المرتضَى عَطفاً فإني
بأبكارِ المعاني جئتُ أَسْعَى
26. And thy name has become a fortress and coat of mail.
Thy father is the Imam of justice, surpassing
٢٦. وَأَضحى ملكُكم شرقاً وغرباً
وأمسى ذِكْركم حِصْناً ودِرْعَا
27. In nature, wise counsel, proof, and quality.
And for you have I reserved a bride, a daughter of reason,
٢٧. أبوك إِمامُ عدلٍ فاق طَبعا
ورأيا محكما وحِجىً وصُنْعا
28. Who outshines the sun in radiance and brilliance.
I have singled you out for her, so robe her
٢٨. ودونكمُ عروساً بنت فكرٍ
تفوق الشمس إِشراقاً ولَمْعَا
29. In the raiment of bounty and kindness, untiring!
٢٩. خصصْتكُم بها فاخلعْ عليها
لباسَ الجودِ والإحسان خَلْعَا