1. My eyes said to my heart, "You have preoccupied me!"
So it replied, "Rather, you with a glance preoccupy me!"
١. لقدْ قالَ طرفى للفؤادِ شغلتني
فقالَ لهُ بلْ أنت باللحظِ شاغِلى
2. You looked and ignited love within my innermost being,
And were it not for you, I would not yearn for your dwellings.
٢. نظرتَ فأوريتَ الغرامَ بمهجتي
ولولاكَ لم أصبو لنلْكَ المنازلِ
3. So it said to him, "You are the one who motivates passion,
Thus you sent me to pine for every inaccessible object!"
٣. فقال له أنتَ المحرِّكُ للهوَى
فأرسلتني أَرْنُو إلى كلِّ طائلِ
4. For you are the sultan over all my limbs,
So preserve, my lord, every worker from my body!
٤. لأنكَ سلطانُ الجوارح كلِّها
مِن الجسم فاحفظْ سيدي كلَّ عامِلِ
5. So it said to him, "Were you not a viewer,
I would not have become troubled, intimate with worries!"
٥. فقالَ لهُ لو لم تكنْ أنتَ نَاظرٌ
لما صرتُ مهموماً حليفَ المشاغلِ
6. For you and the ears are guides for the heart;
You brought us news of every event.
٦. لأنك والآذانُ للقلبِ رائدٌ
بنَثْتُم لنا الأخبارَ عَنْ كلِّ نازلِ
7. So the ears said to it, "Rather, you are a sender,
And were it not for you, we would not listen to any speaker's words!"
٧. فقالت له الآذانُ بلْ أنتَ مرسلٌ
ولولاكَ ما نُصِغي إلى قولِ قائلِ
8. So my heart said to them, "If I am an owner,
Remaining and not moving from those fortresses,
٨. فقال لهم قلبي إذا كنت مالكاً
مقيماً ولم أبرحْ بتلكَ المعاقِل
9. Then how could I know the news
That informs us of the matter of Zayd and Wā'il?"
٩. فمِنْ أينَ لِي أن أعلمَ الخبرَ الذِي
يخبرنا عن أمر زيد وَوَائلِ
10. "I know no reports but through your reports,
And were it not for you, no doer's deed would come to me!"
١٠. ولا أعلمُ الأخبارَ إلا بخبرِكُم
ولولاكُمُ لم يأتني فِعْلُ فاعلِ
11. So it said to them, "You have wearied me, for all of you
Are equal in conspiring upon every falsehood!"
١١. فقال لهم أتعبتموني فكلُّكُم
سواءٌ تعاوَنْتُم على كلِّ باطِلِ
12. "And were it not for you, I would not lie down to rest
Languishing, crazed, between ardors and songstresses!
١٢. فلولاكُمُ لم أمسِ في الفُرشِ ثاوياً
طريحَ جوىً بين الحِمى والخمائِل
13. Oh, fear God who has joined us together,
And do not leave me confused amongst the ignorant!"
١٣. ألاَ ما تقوا اللهَ المؤلِّفَ بيننَا
ولا تتركوني ثايواً في المجاهِلِ