1. Blessed is the girl, and God has blessed
Us with the age in which He created her
١. بوركتْ بنيةّ وقد بارَك الله
لنَا في عُمرْ الذي قد بنَاهَا
2. A girl founded on the horizon of water that shone
And honored is He who proportioned her
٢. بنيةٌ أُسِّسَت على مطلعِ الما
ءِ تجلت وعزَّ مَنْ سَوَّاهَا
3. Oh, what a girl, on the bank of the valley
The year of joy in her vision
٣. يا لهَا بنيةً عَلى شاطِىء الوا
دِي عامَ السَّرُورِ في رُؤْياهَا
4. She is a garden of gardens, musk has diffused from her
As joy rejoices in her aroma
٤. هي روضٌ من الرياحين فاح ال
مسكُ منها كما يفرحُ شَذَاهَا
5. Sanctified from all impurities, she ascended
Nobility, that we see her like
٥. قُدِّسَتْ من كلِّ القَذى فتعالتْ
رفعةّ أن نرَى لها أَشْبَاهَا
6. A garden, below it gardens
Of palm trees, our thoughts shepherd them
٦. روضةٌ من سُفْليها جناتٌ
من نخيلٍ أفكارُنا تَرْعامَا
7. In it are figs, fruits, and trees
Their fruits ripe, their collections
٧. وبها التينُ والفواكهُ والأشجارُ
أثمارُهن دانٍ جَنَاهَا
8. And rivers flow beneath it
Of limpid water, glory to Him who caused them to flow
٨. وهي تجري مِنْ تحتها أنهارٌ
من نميرٍ سبحان من أَجْرَاهَا
9. A piece of the gardens of Eden
Descended from its sky and spread upon it
٩. قطعةٌ من رياض جنات عدنٍ
تزلتْ من سمائِه فطَحَاها
10. If hardships befall me, worries
And melancholy, they disappear when I see her
١٠. إنْ عرتْني شدائدٌ وهمومٌ
واكتئابٌ تزولُ حينَ أَرَاهَا
11. And if the ground appears, we kiss it
As if kissing her most beloved
١١. وإذا ما بَدَتْ نُقبِّلُ أرْضا
فكأَنْها نقبلُ الأهْواهَا
12. Whoever sees her, every beloved forgets
God has ordained what He ordained, so He ordained her
١٢. من رآهَا تنسيه كلّ حبيب
قدْ قضى اللهُ ما قضَى فقضَاهَا
13. If the maidens of Paradise saw her, they would say
Entrust us, for we want none but her
١٣. لو رأتها حورُ الجنانِ لقالتْ
فوّضونا فلا نريد سِوَاهَا
14. The describers are incapable of describing her
With attributes, they have not reached her extent
١٤. يعجزُ الواصفونَ أن يصفُوها
بصفاتٍ لم يبلغُوا مُنْتهاهَا
15. She sparkles as if a white pearl
Or like full moons in their reflection
١٥. تتلألا كأنها درةٌ بيضاءُ
أو كالبدورِ في مرآها
16. She grew branches, surpassed, flourished
And prospered, structurally sound and lofty
١٦. عظمت دفةً وفاقتْ وراقتْ
واستقامتْ بنيا وتمَّ علاَها
17. She is in my mind's eye, and if I am absent from her
She is beyond all things, I do not forget her
١٧. فهيَ في فكرتي وإن غبتُ عنها
وهي دون الأشياءِ لا أنساهَا
18. So congratulations to the one who built her and exalted her
And blessing to the one who made her his dwelling
١٨. فهنيئاً لمن بنَاها وأعلاَ
ها وطوبَى لمن له سُكنَاها
19. And if I were given a choice, I ask God's forgiveness
Between the gardens, or her abode
١٩. ولو أتى خيرتُ أستغفر الرحمن
بين الجناتِ أو مَثواها
20. By my life, I would choose this as my share
Of eternity, if I did not fear its consequences
٢٠. قد لعمري لاخترت هذا نصيبي
من خلودٍ لو لم أخفْ عُقْباهَا
21. All who saw her with their own eyes
Said, by God, we do not see her equal
٢١. كلُّ من رآها بعينِ عياناً
قال واللهِ ما نرى شَرْواها
22. No man among people saw her
Except said truly, glory to Him who created her
٢٢. ما رآها امرؤٌ من الخلقِ إلا
قال حقّاً سبحان من أنشَاها
23. How can we find a likeness for her, and the light
Of God from beneath His throne covers her
٢٣. كيفَ نلقى لها شبيهاً ونورُ
الله مِن تحتِ عرشه يَغْشَاها
24. If there is anything in the eyes of impairment
Then the cure is in her - take from her soil
٢٤. إن يكنْ في العُيونِ شىءٌ من الدا
ء فإن الدواءَ منها ثَراها
25. And if hearts tarnish with sorrow
She dispels from hearts their clangor
٢٥. وإذا ما القلوبُ تصدأُ حزناً
فهي تجلُو عن القلوبِ صداهَا
26. If you want to see every wonder
Then look, O people, into her particles
٢٦. إن أردتمْ ترونَ كلّ عجيبِ
فانظرُوا أيها الورَى في ذُرَاها
27. For with adornment she is beautified and shone
And shone like the sun at its brilliance
٢٧. فهي بالوشى زينت وتجلّت
وتجلت كالشمسِ عِنْدَ ضُحَاها
28. Red brick, black dressed stone
And light gleaming at her highest point
٢٨. أحمرٌ قانٍ وأسودُ غربيب
ونورٌ يلوحُ في أعْلاهَا
29. And greenery, blueness, whiteness
And yellowness - her artistry is not blemished
٢٩. واخضرارٌ وزرقةٌ وابيضاض
واصفرارٌ فلا يُقَذَّى سَنَاهَا
30. She reached the pinnacle in beauty and description
And attributes - tell me, with what can she compete?
٣٠. قد تناهتْ في الحُسْن والوصف
والأوصافِ قُلْ لي بأي شىء تَبَاهى
31. It is as if He who built her and exalted her
Built with His creation, prepared her
٣١. فكأن الذي بناهَا وأعْلاَها
بناء بخلقهِ أعْدَاهَا
32. He is the Lord Most High, father of the Arabs, the victorious
His worth is indeed too great to be matched
٣٢. هو رَبُّ العلى أبو العرب الزا
كي لقدْ جلَّ قدرُه أن يُضَاهى
33. So when every worry and hardship intensifies
In the wilderness, He gives souls their refuge
٣٣. فإذا اشتَد كلُّ همِّ وكربِ
بالبرايا يعطى النفوسَ مُنَاها
34. And none other - He of beautiful deeds
If the land becomes barren, He gives it life
٣٤. غيره وهو ذُو فعال جميلِ
وإذا الأرضُ أجْدَبتْ أحياهَا
35. And if a place is unpleasant or ruins appear
By my might, He solves its concerns
٣٥. وإذا ساءَ منزلٌ أو نبا بي
وعزتي همومُه حلاّها
36. For He is the sun of the world and the light of its guidance
And the illumination of the Most High, and full moon of its darkness
٣٦. فهو شمسُ الدنيا ونورُ هداها
وضياءُ العليا وبدرُ دُجَاها
37. Live happily as long as you chirped
And comfortably at night and chirped in your weeping
٣٧. عِش قريرَ العيونِ ما غرَّدت
وَرْفاء ليلا وغردتْ في بُكَاها
38. Its date was the first of Shawwal, cared for
By the Lord Most High, who quenched its thirst
٣٨. كان تاريخُها بغُرّةِ شوا
لٍ رعاها ربُّ العلى وسَقَاها
39. And seventy-eight years have passed
After a thousand, its calculation is complete
٣٩. وثمانٍ مضتْ وسبعونَ عاماً
بعد ألف حسابها قد تنَاهى