
My love burns with sorrow for his gazelle,

صب تحرقه أسى لرعاته

1. My love burns with sorrow for his gazelle,
And my longing composes poems for his roe.

١. صبٌّ تحرِّقه أسىً لرعاتُه
وجوٍ تؤرِّفه هوىً روْعاتُه

2. When my love recalls his beloved,
His breath quickens and his regrets multiply.

٢. صبٌّ إذا ذكر الحبيب تصَّدَتْ
أنفاسُه وتردَّدت حسراتُه

3. His tears flow and his times darken,
His sighs increase and his torment intensifies,

٣. وتناثرت عبراتُه وتكدَّرت
أوقاتُه وتكاثرت زَفَرَاتهُ

4. As the game of passion plays with his heart,
Since his gazelle gained independence from him.

٤. ومتَّمٌ لعب الغرام بقلبه
لماس استقلت بالحبيب سراتهُ

5. O driver of the caravan, go slowly,
My love is torn apart by your separation.

٥. يا سائقَ الأظعانِ مَهْلاً خلفكم
صبٌّ تقطِّعه جَوىً حُرُفاته

6. He is tortured by prolonged passion,
Ages have passed but his needs are unfulfilled,

٦. ومعذّبٌ طالَ الغرام به وقد
مضت الدهور وما انقضت حاجاته

7. Lying lovesick, longing has exhausted him,
His companionship has sickened him.

٧. وطريحُ وَجْدٍ مَلّهُ عُوَّاده
ومريض شوقٍ أمرضته أُساتُه

8. When you left, the vitality of his heart faded
And his inclinations stirred from your absence.

٨. ومعَلّلٌ ذهبت حُشاشة قلبه
وتحركت من بُعْدِكم مُهجاته

9. The lover finds no peace after you left,
For you quickly took away his tranquility.

٩. ما راحة المشتاق بعدكمُ وقد
ذهبت سريعاً بعدكم بُرْحاته

10. If he tries to hide his secret from his friends,
His tears would reveal what he harbors.

١٠. إن رام يكتم سرَّه عن صحبه
دلَّت على ما كنَّه عَبَراتُه

11. O you who emigrated, you denied killing me after
Your glances testified against you for slaying me.

١١. يا هاجري أنكرت قتلى بعد ما
شَهِدَتْ عليه بقتله وجناتُه

12. I am the slain, slain by the sword of your alluring glance
And the harshness of your eyes like a wild beast.

١٢. فأنا القتيلُ هَوَى بسيف لحاظه
وقساوَةً مثل الظُّبا لحظاتُه

13. They said his face shines like the full moon,
They lied, for where is its clarity and beauty?

١٣. قالوا كبدر النِّمِّ غُرَّةُ وجهه
كذبوا فأين صفاؤه وصفاتُه

14. He has a slender, graceful stature
His movements have distracted the minds of all people.

١٤. هذا له قَدٌّ رشيق مُذْهَبٌ
قد أذهبت عقل الورى حركاتُه

15. He has languid, deep brown eyes
His coy glances freely break all taboos.

١٥. هذا له طرفٌ غضيضٌ أَحْوَرٌ
يَفْرِى النُّهَى مبهورةً شفراتُه

16. He is forever drunk with wine,
Wandering lost in youth are his qualities.

١٦. نشوانُ لا يصحو بخمر رَضابه
تَثنيه تيهاً في الصِّبا نَشَواتُه

17. If not for the redness of his mouth,
His threatening glances would not distract all minds.

١٧. لو لم تكن صهباءُ ريقة ثغره
ما أنكرت عقلَ الورى خطراتُه

18. The moles on his cheek race with those on his temple
To protect his mouth with their alignments.

١٨. في خَدِّه تَسْعَى عقارب صُدْغِه
تحمى بها عن ثغره رشَفاتُه

19. His flirtations are adored, his movements loved,
His gazes desired, his gestures coveted.

١٩. مرموقةٌ لفتاته معشوقة
حركاتُه محبوبةٌ نظراتُه

20. And by my life, he is the most beautiful gazelle when
His cheek appears from behind his tresses and their fragrance wafts.

٢٠. وبنفسيَ الظبيُ الأغَنُّ إذا بدا
من خدِّه وتناوَحَتْ نفحاتُه

21. O Spring, you have desolated
Your meadows after your people's departure.

٢١. يا أيها الربْعُ الذي قد أوحشت
من بعد رحلة أهله عَرَصاتُه

22. After they left, your symbols are unrecognizable,
Your fields murky from their absence.

٢٢. وتنكَّرت من بعده آياتُه
وتكدَّرت من فقدهم ساحاتُه

23. Yesterday, its dwellers are no longer its dwellers,
No longer are its visitors its visitors.

٢٣. أمسى فلا سُكَّانُه سكّانُه
كلا ولا غاداته غاداتُه

24. Today comes but its youths are no longer its youths,
No longer are its gazelles its gazelles.

٢٤. وغدَا ولا فتيانُه فتيانُه
كلا ولا ظبياتُه ظبياتُه

25. Are your sorrows like those of Mutammim
When waves of grief overwhelmed him after their separation?

٢٥. هل أنت في الأحزان مثل متيَّم
دهمته بعد فراقهم غمراتُه

26. When the dawn of youth departed hastily
And nights smiled from his face.

٢٦. لما تَوَلّى مسرعاً عصر الصِّبا
وتبسَّمَتْ عن ثغره ليلاتُه

27. Old age, though refined in love
Has ugly qualities in the eyes of the virtuous beloved.

٢٧. وأخو المشيبِ وإن تلطَّفَ في الهَوى
عند الحِسانِ مثالبٌ حسناتُه

28. While the faults of youth, though increasing in aloofness
Are pardonable to the virtuous beloved.

٢٨. وأخو الشباب وإن تزايد جفوةَ
عند الحِسانِ حميدةٌ جَفَواتُه

29. And while old age, though its circumstances improve
Its states remain despised by the virtuous beloved.

٢٩. وأخو المشيبِ وإن صَفَتْ أَحوالُه
عند الحِسانِ ذميمةٌ حالاتُه

30. As for middle age, no comment can be made if
Its confusion lessens, unlike the confusion of youth.

٣٠. وأَخو الكهولة لا يقالُ إذا هَفَا
وأخو الصِّبا مقبولةٌ هفواتُه

31. The errors of youth are forgivable,
While the lapses of old age remain deplorable.

٣١. وأَخو الصِّبا مغفورةٌ ذَلاّتُه
وأَخو المشيبِ عظيمةٌ ذَلاّتُه

32. My salutations to the days of my youth and prime
When the first strands of grey hair appeared.

٣٢. سَقياً لأيام الشبيبة والصِّبا
إذ مَفْرِقى مسودَّةٌ شعراتُه

33. The days of carefree play were verdant and fresh,
Love was thriving and its fruits flourishing,

٣٣. أَيامَ عود اللهو غَضٌّ ناضِرٌ
والحبُّ يائعةُ الجَنا ثمراتُه

34. Life was joyful, time favorable,
The days were vibrant with flowers.

٣٤. والعيشُ أغيدُ والزمانُ مساعِدٌ
والدهر زاهرةٌ لنا زهراتُه

35. I was the beloved of the virtuous one, but after
The garb of youth faded, his gazelles kept their distance.

٣٥. كنتُ الحبيب إلى الحسان فمذ نَضَا
ثوبَ الشبابِ تباعدت ظبياتُه

36. I became like a fallen, lifeless body,
My separation intensified my torment.

٣٦. أَمسيتُ كالملقَى الطريح موسداً
صفر البنان شديدةٌ لوعاتُه

37. I am not to blame, except for old age, thus
All people, when their time ends, meet this fate.

٣٧. لا ذَنْبَ لي إلا المشيبُ وهَكذا
كل الأنام إذا انتهت غاياتُه

38. Such is time, dispersing and gathering,
Such are the ways of time.

٣٨. وكذا الزمان مُفَرِّقٌ ومؤلِّفٌ
هذا الزمانُ وهذه عاداتُه

39. Were it not for the son of Ya'rub's sword,
The unity of guidance would not have recollected its fragments.

٣٩. لولا ابن سيفِ اليعربيُّ لما غدا
شملُ الهدى مجموعةً أشتاتُه

40. Through him, every gloomy era smiled,
Through him, the darknesses clouding our religion dispersed.

٤٠. فيه تبسَّمَ كل دهرٍ عابسٍ
وبه انجلت عن ديننا ظُلُماتُه

41. Through him, the unity of the lovers of passion dispersed
After reuniting, and their time ended.

٤١. وبه تبدَّد شملُ أَرباب الهوى
بعد التِئام وانقضى ميقاتُه

42. That just Imam, noble hero, whose
Attacks against the world are well known.

٤٢. ذاك الإمامُ العادلُ الشهمُ الذي
دون الورى مشهورةٌ كرَّاتُه

43. And likewise his son, the pure Arab hero,
Lord of dew, feared are his assaults.

٤٣. وكذا ابنه الزاكى أبو العرب الفَتى
ربُّ النَّدَى مرهوبةٌ سطواتُه

44. O House of Ya'rub, you are the rainfall of the world,
In your time, its hours became pleasant.

٤٤. يا آل يعربَ أَنتمو غيثُ الورى
بكم استطابَ بدهرنا ساعاتُه

45. The age, after your justice and favor,
And your kindness, its times became praiseworthy.

٤٥. أَضحى الزمان بعدلكم ونوالكم
وبعطفكم محمودةً أَوقاتُه

46. Through you, the kingdom was stabilized and justice restored,
Through you, its banners were unfurled.

٤٦. بكم استقام الملكُ واعتدلَ القَضَا
وغدت بكم منشورةً راياتُه

47. Through you, religion was illuminated after its darkness,
Without you, its signs would not have been made clear.

٤٧. بكم استنارَ الدينُ بعد طُموسه
لولاكمُ ما أُوضحت آياتُه

48. Through you, justice was established and guidance spread,
Without you, its trees would not have thrived.

٤٨. وبكم أُقيم العدلُ وانتشر الهدى
لو لاكم ما أورفت شجرانه

49. O masters of kingdoms, excellent in the world,
Blessed is the age that had you as its masters.

٤٩. يا سادة الأملاك طرا في الورى
طوبَى لدهرٍ أنتمُ ساداتُه

50. No wonder time and all in it surrendered to you,
Its heroes, champions, and protectors.

٥٠. لا غروَ إن دان الزمانَ وأنتمُ
أبطالُه ولَيوثه وحُماتُه

51. So let time grieve, for you are its strongest,
Its kings, governors, and judges.

٥١. فَلْيَهْنَ دهرٌ أنتمُ أَقيلُه
ومُلوكه ووُلاتُه وقُضاتُه

52. My praise of you will silence envious foes,
As the wine of your praise melts their minds.

٥٢. مدحي لكم أبداً لأكبتَ حاسداً
ذهبتْ بفطنة قلبِه سكراتُه

53. The hearts of envious foes melt with your praise,
Those troubled by doubts are disgraced by your glory.

٥٣. وأُذيبَ قلبَ الحاسدين بمدحكم
وأُذِلَّ مَن لعبت به شبهاتُه

54. If my devotion does not delight you,
My words will repel the transgressions of enemies.

٥٤. إن لم تُغنِكُم راحتي بمهنَّدٍ
فبقْوَلِي ترُدى العِدَى كلماتُه

55. Take them as a bride, her attributes beautified,
Like the full moon adorned by its halo.

٥٥. خذها عروساً تُزْدَهِى قسماتها
كالبدر زانَتْ نورَه هالاتُه