1. Her cheek is a rose, her cheek's rose is joy upon roses
A coy glance protects it, bashfully downcast
١. زَهَا وَرْد خدّيها على الوردِ بهجةً
حَمَاهُ عن الألحْاظِ طَرْفٌ مُذَكَّرُ
2. Her soft, supple, pink cheek when it sleeps
Is stirred by yearning and thoughts
٢. وخدٌّ أَسِيلٌ زَبْرَجِيٌّ مُنعَّمٌ
إذا نامَ يُدْميه المُنى والتفكُّرُ
3. She shot me with an arrow from her languid eyelids
In my love for her, a wound that does not heal
٣. رَمَتْني بسهمٍ مِن جُفونٍ فواترِ
لها في الحَشا وَخْزُ المُدَى ليس يَفْتُرُّ
4. Reunion with her is the cure for all pain and sickness
Parting from her, a fire burning my heart
٤. دواءٌ لكل الداءٍ والسقمِ وصْلها
وهجرانُها نارٌ على القلبِ تسعرُ
5. She is the sun, her rising light never wearying
Eyes lower before her brilliance
٥. هي الشمسُ نوراً لا يملُّ شروقها
معظمةً عنها النواظرُ تَقْصرُ
6. A beauty, and if her mouth articulates in speech
Musk emanates from her breath and ambergris
٦. وفاتنةٍ إِنْ فاهَ فُوهَا بمنطقٍ
تَفاوَح مسكٌ من شَذَاه وعنبرُ
7. If Ibn Al-Mu'tazz had seen her face's beauty
He would have boasted of her, not his tribe
٧. لو أنّ ابنَ كلثومٍ رأَى حسن وجهها
لكانَ بها لا بالقبيلةِ يفخرُ