
You were promised victory, and triumph is destined for you.

هنيت بالنصر موعودا لك الظفر

1. You were promised victory, and triumph is destined for you.
What you strive for will come to pass, as is decreed by fate.

١. هُنِّيتَ بالنصر موعوداً لك الظفَرُ
وما تحاوله يمضى به القَدَرُ

2. You marched defiantly towards the enemy, a daring lion,
With nostrils flaring in anger, adorned with pride.

٢. يَمَّمتَ نحوَ العِدى غرّاً غطارفةٌ
شُمَّ الأنوف شداداً زَانها الغُرَرُ

3. Among them are chiefs from the glorious tribe of Yarub,
Their radiant faces shine like full moons in bloom.

٣. وفيهمُ سادةٌ مِن يعربٍ سطعتْ
وُجوهُهم كَبُدُورِ التِّم تَزْدهِر

4. When they ride their steeds into battle, they are fierce lions,
Charging into the fray of war to conquer and subdue.

٤. تخَاُلهم في ظُهور الخيل أُسْد شَرًى
تجرى بهم في الوغَى والحرب تَسْتَعِمُر

5. They hurl themselves into danger, while the confused lions
Are trapped in the labyrinth of war where spears clash and shatter.

٥. تَرْمِى بأنفسها والأُسْدُ حائرةٌ
في مَأْزَق الحرب والأرماحُ تَشتَجِرُ

6. You are blessed by a just King and wise rule,
You have always triumphed over all other kingdoms.

٦. بُوركْتَ مِن ملكٍ عَدْل ومِنْ حَكمٍ
لاَ زلْتَ دَهْراً على الأملاكِ تَفْتَخِرُ

7. You have no need for any kingdom,
Every living soul in this world relies on you alone.

٧. أنت الغنىُّ عن الأملاك كُلهمُ
وكل حَيٍّ إليك الدهرَ يفتَقرُ

8. None can equal you, no matter how far their reach extends,
How can anyone equal you, no matter how vast their palace?

٨. فمَا يساويك مَن في باعه سعةٌ
أَنْى يُساويك مَن في باعه قِصرُ

9. You surpassed the nomads in justice and character,
While everyone else these days is disgraced and disdained.

٩. فُقْتَ البريَّة في عدْل وفي خُلق
وكل خَلْقٍ سِواك اليوم مُحْتَقَرُ

10. I see a rabble who have lost their way, thinking
No one else matters besides you, every great man now worthless.

١٠. مالي أرَى عُصبة تاهوا وعِندهمُ
سِواك كل عظيم ما له قَدَرُ

11. They drive their spears into the throats of their enemies effortlessly,
And their spears never fail to shatter.

١١. ويُورِد الرمح في لَباتهم سلَماً
وليس يصدرُ إلا وهْو مُنكسرُ

12. The battle rages on and the swords gleam,
As if they are glittering stars adorned with polishing.

١٢. فالحربُ ساطعةٌ والبِيض لامعةٌ
كأنها بالصقال الأنجمُ الزهُرُ

13. God is Great! Justice now prevails,
Oppression is vanquished and truth is victorious.

١٣. اللَّهُ أكبرَ إنّ العدلَ مُشتهرٌ
والجور مُنطمِسٌ والحقَّ مُنتصرُ

14. The fire of the treacherous oppressors is extinguished,
While the light of the rightly-guided believers shines bright.

١٤. ونارُ أهل الخَنا والجَورِ خامدةٌ
ونورُ أهل الهدَى والدِّينُ مُزْدَهِرُ

15. The state of justice remains triumphant,
While the state of ignorance is destroyed, left without glory.

١٥. ودولةُ العدل لا زالتْ مظفرةً
ودولةُ الجهل معدومٌ بها الظفرُ

16. By the rising of the bright star of Yarub, our master,
That steadfast Imam and daring warrior.

١٦. بطلعةِ اليعربىّ النَّدبِ سيدنا
ذاكَ الإمام الهمام الصَّارم الذكرُ

17. Wise in judgement, praiseworthy in character, an Imam
Who unravels tribulations, pure without any turbidity.

١٧. مهذبُ الرأْى محمودُ الخلائق مأْ
مُونُ البَوائِق صاٍف مَابه كَدرُ

18. If he were to march one day against the enemies in rage
With his sharp sword, none would be left alive.

١٨. إنْ صَالَ يوماً على الأعداءِ في رَهَجٍ
بِصارم الحدِّ لا يُبقى ولا يَذَرُ

19. They secretly plotted and schemed treachery,
So their scheming brought about their own destruction.

١٩. قد أجْمَعوا أمرهم سرّاً ومكرَهُمُ
غدراً فأعْقَبهم إهلاكُ ما مَكرُوا

20. They thought they would profit, but instead their roots were torn out,
How can one profit after betraying victory?

٢٠. ظنوا بأنْ يَربحوا فاجتثَّ دابرُهم
وكيف يربحٌُ مَن قد خانَه الظفرُ

21. Their bodies, if only they could speak, would say:
"O wise men, reflect and be admonished!"

٢١. تقولُ أجسادُهم لو أنها نطقتْ
عِبارة يا أُولى الأبصار فاعْتبِرُوا

22. Wretched are they, losers whose efforts failed,
They did no good and ended up losing.

٢٢. تعساً لهم وخساراً خابَ سَعيهمُ
لا هُم عملوا خيراً وقد خَسرُوا

23. If only they had minds to understand,
To contemplate the tribulations of fate and be warned.

٢٣. لو أنّ ثَمّ عُقولا يَفقهون بها
تَفكّرُوا في خطوبِ الدهر وادكرُوا

24. But they denied the signs of their Lord,
If they do not repent, Hell shall be their refuge.

٢٤. لكنهم جحدوا آياتِ ربهمُ
إنْ لم يَتُوبوا فَمأْوَى كُلِّهم سَقرُ

25. Whoever defies and disobeys the Merciful Lord who created him,
Signs and warnings will not benefit him.

٢٥. وَمَنْ طَغى وعَصى الرحمنَ خالقَه
فليس تنفعهُ الآياتُ والنذُرُ

26. These people were defiant in their endeavors and rebellious,
Inciting each other by their plotting.

٢٦. وهؤلاءِ طغوْا في سَعيهم وبغوا
وغرَّ بعضهم بعضاً بما ائتمرُوا

27. If only they were just, obeying God and abiding
By the command of the Imam and doing as they were ordered.

٢٧. لو أنْصَفوا لأَطاعوا اللَّه وامتثَلوا
أَمْرَ الإمام وقاموا بالذي أُمِرُوا

28. But they plotted to break the covenant and took
A path contrary to what they were commanded and admonished against.

٢٨. لكن تواصَوْا بنقض العَهدِ وانتحلُوا
خلافَ ما أمرُوا حقّاً وما ازْدَجَرُوا

29. They are like cattle in truth, without any intellect,
Even if you think they have the form of man.

٢٩. هُم البهائمُ حقّاً لا عُقُول لهم
وإِنْ رأيتَ خيالا أنَّهم بَشَرُ

30. Blind, deaf, forgetting the favors of their master,
Al Buwayb, whose lineage descends from the Sultan, which they did not acknowledge.

٣٠. عَمُوا وصَمُّوا نَسُوا آلاءً سيّدهم
بلعْربٍ نسل سلطانٍ وما ذَكرُوا

31. They are his servants who betrayed him and so were vanquished,
It would not have harmed them had they been patient.

٣١. هُمُ عَبيدٌ له خانوه فانهزمُوا
وما يضرهُمُ لو أنهم صبَرُوا

32. They betrayed him, so their ingratitude was followed by twofold punishment,
And they have attained loss and ruin.

٣٢. خانُوا فأَعقبَهم كُفرا بنعمتِه
عُقوبتين وبالخسران قد ظَفِرُوا

33. If you distance them from our abodes, they turn to hypocrisy,
And if you draw them near, they betray.

٣٣. إن أَنتَ أبعدتَهم عن دُورنا مردُوا
على النفاق وإن قربتهم غَدرُوا

34. They were deceived by your refined character
And your grace which flows upon them like rain.

٣٤. غرَّتهمُ مِنك أخلاقٌ مطهرةٌ
وأرفةٌ ونوالٌ مِنك مُنهمِرُ

35. They did not realize that you are the King to whom
The kings of all lands, Bedouin and cities alike, submit.

٣٥. وما دَرَوْا أنك الملكُ الذي خضعَتْ
له مُلوكُ الورَى والبَدْوُ والحَضرُ

36. That you are the warrior who annihilates
The enemies, fully capable of defeating your opponents.

٣٦. وأنَّك الصارمُ البتَّارُ مُنْصَلِتاً
عَلَى الأعادِى وَفي علياكَ مُقتدِرُ

37. Had they known, no defiance would have appeared from them,
Nor would misfortune or disgrace have surrounded them.

٣٧. ولو دَرَوْا ما بَدَتْ منهم مُخالَفةٌ
ولا أحاطَ بهم سُوءٌ ولا نُكُرُ

38. They should have been wary of your actions against them -
Punishment from which their precautions are to no avail.

٣٨. قد حاذَرُوا مِن أمور أَنتَ صانعُها
بهم نكالاً فلم ينفعهم الحذَرُ

39. You scattered them into fragments, so their unity dissolved
Because of their misdeeds, and they fled from their children.

٣٩. فرّقتهم فِرقاً فانحلَّ عِقْدُهم
بما أَساءُوا وعن أبنائهم نَفرُوا

40. Some are now in endless torment,
Others are bound in shackles not easily undone.

٤٠. فمنهمُ في عذابٍ لا نفادَ له
ومنهمُ في قيود فكُّها عَسِرُ

41. Some are in narrow, foul confinement,
With scorpions, maggots, and filth as company.

٤١. ومنهمُ في مَطاميرٍ مُضيقةٍ
بها الأَراقِمُ والديدانُ والقذَرُ

42. Others lie defeated with their heads in the dust,
Others in barren wastelands, their bodies unburied.

٤٢. ومنهمُ في رؤوس الشمِّ مُنهزما
ومنهمُ في مفازاتٍ وما قُبرُوا

43. Thanks be to Allah, we are safe and unharmed
By the state of a people who turned to disbelief.

٤٣. والحمدُ للَّه نحن السالمِونَ ولا
يَسُوءُنَا حالُ قومٍ إن هُمُ كَفرُوا

44. O people! If you possess vision and reason,
Reflect, remember the blessings of your master.

٤٤. يا أيُّها الناسُ إْن كنتم أُولو بصرٍ
وليس يْعقلُ إلا مَنْ له بَصرُ

45. He is the generous, valiant Imam, the lion -
He forgives if any sin comes from you.

٤٥. فَفكِّرُوا واذكرُوا آلاء سَيِّدكم
فهو الإمامُ الكريمُ الباسلُ النمرُ

46. Every sin, except idolatry, is forgivable.
The Imam for you all is a fortress and sanctuary

٤٦. ومَن أتى الذنبَ مِنكم فهْو يغفرُه
وكلُّ ذنبٍ سِوى الإشراكِ مُغتفرُ

47. Against enemies, so give thanks for his blessings and obey.
If you give thanks, you will succeed in this world and the next.

٤٧. إنّ الإمام لكم حصنٌ وملتجَأٌ
مِن العِدَى فاشْكُروا نعْمَاه وائتمرُوا

48. For he is of those who support the ungrateful,
So do not say you have no need for his gifts.

٤٨. إن تشكرُوا تَفْلَحوا دُنيا وآخرة
فإنه من ذَوِى الكفران مُنتَصِرُ

49. All creation relies on his plentiful generosity,
He knows no reluctance in fulfilling a promise or obligation.

٤٩. ولا تقُولوا غَنِينا عن مواهبهِ
فكُلُّ خلقٍ إلى جَدواه مُفْتَقرُ

50. If someone in poverty approaches him, he offers no excuses.
He is watchful if the destitute come seeking his court,

٥٠. لا يعرفُ الخلفَ في وَعْد ولا عِدَةٍ
وإنْ أتاهُ فقيرٌ ليس يَعْتَذِرُ

51. Enriching them with gifts flowing from his hands.
If you enumerate the days of his generosity, none compares.

٥١. يَقْظان إن يمَّم العافون ساحتَه
أَغْناهُمُ بنوالٍ منه ينْهَمِزُ

52. The oceans and rain cannot match his openhandedness,
If the first rays of his graciousness appear.

٥٢. إنْ عدَّ في الجودِ يوماً لا يُشَاكِلُه
في جُوده الأجْودان البحرُ والمطرُ

53. The glowing embers, sun and moon coil up in shame.
If we weigh all people together against his triumphant grasp,

٥٣. وإن بدَا طالعاً لآلاء غُرَّته
تكوَّرُ النيِّران الشمس والقمرُ

54. His victory over them would be weightier.
O Majesty, our hope! We are in need

٥٤. ولو وزنَّا جميع الخلق قاطبةَ
بظفر خِنصرِه أَزْرَى بهم ظُفرُ

55. Of something we hope for and await.
Whenever I extend my hands in request for help,

٥٥. يا أيُّها الملكُ المرجوُّ إنَّ لنا
لحاجةً نحن نرجُوهَا وننتظرُ

56. Your generous palm hastens to me.
How can I deny blessings which encompass me fully

٥٦. فما بسطتُ يدى أرجُو مساعدةً
إلا وكفُّك لى بالجود ينحدِرُ

57. From my youth till old age comes upon me?
If my mother, father and son turn against you as enemies

٥٧. وكيف أجحدُ نُعمَى وَهْي سابغةٌ
علىَّ في صِغرى حتى أتى الكِبرُ

58. And abandon you, I would take up your religion though they shun me.
By God! If my soul harbored any defiance,

٥٨. لو أنّ تجلى وعمى وابنَه وأبي
عَادَوْكَ عاديتُهم ديناً وإن هَجَرُوا

59. I would absolve myself of it like the vanished past.
To you belong all sovereignty and supremacy undiminished,

٥٩. واللَّهِ لو أضمرتْ نفسى مخالفةً
لكم تبرأتُ منها كالذي غَبرُوا

60. While the enemies inherit only dust and stones.
Live happily and joyfully in your palace of Yarub,

٦٠. لك الممالكُ والعلياءُ كاملة
وللأعادِى ترابُ الأرض والحجرُ

61. With a river flowing beneath it.
A wondrous palace that delights all who see it -

٦١. وعِشْ ودمْ وابق مسروراً ومُبْتَهِجاً
في قصر يَبْرِينَ يجْرِى تحته نهَرُ

62. Grief and sorrow disappear when you gaze upon it.
It contains pleasure, all manner of fruit -

٦٢. قصرٌ مَشيدٌ يسرُّ الناظرين إذا
نظرتَه زال عنك الهمُّ والكدرُ

63. Palm trees, pomegranates and trees surround it.
It contains what no eye has seen and no mind conceived,

٦٣. فيه السرورُ وفيه كل فاكهةٍ
يحوطُه النخل والرمانُ والشجرُ

64. Thoughts, imaginations and reflections cannot fathom it.
As if it is the Garden of Paradise made into a dwelling,

٦٤. وفيه مالا رأتْ عينٌ ولا خَطرتْ
به الخواطرُ والأوهامُ والفِكَرُ

65. Filled with fruits, bounties and delights.
Around it is a spacious, melodious garden,

٦٥. كأنه جنةُ الفردوس منزلة
فيها الفواكهُ والخيراتُ والسررُ

66. With perfumes, trees, and fruits.
From its beauty and radiance, the gleam of its joy -

٦٦. وحوله روضةٌ غناءٌ وارفةٌ
فيها الأطايبُ والأشجارُ والثمرُ

67. When you look at it, your gaze falls short.
It is blessed for you with eternal, everlasting existence,

٦٧. من حُسنها وسناً أنوار بهجتهَا
إذا نظرتَ إليها يَقصُر النظرُ

68. Abiding forever, with extended life for you within it.
While the hostile envious one dwells in confusion and darkness,

٦٨. هنَّيتَه ببقاءِ لا نَفاد له
مخلداً فيه ممدوداً لك العمرُ

69. His portion is sorrow and sleeplessness.
You ascend to the highest rank, surpassing

٦٩. والباغِضُ الحاسدُ المحزونُ في وَلَهٍ
مُكَبَّلٌ حَظّهُ الأحزانُ والسهرُ

70. Dhu'l Hijjah or Safar in status.
You are the apex of greatness, O Caliph of the one

٧٠. وَأنت في درجِ العلياءِ مرتقياً
ما مرَّ ذو الحجة الزهراءِ أو صَفرُ

71. Whose praises are mentioned in verses and Surahs.
He is the chosen Prophet from Mudhar -

٧١. وَأنت خِدْن المعالى يا خليفة من
تضمنتْ مَدحَه الآيات والسورُ

72. No less a descendant of Adnan or Mudhar!
I circulated your praises throughout the horizons,

٧٢. هو النبىُّ الرضىُّ المبعوثُ مِن مُضر
ناهيك من جدُّه عدنانُ أو مضرُ

73. As long as the sun rises or the moon shines in the darkness of night.
You are all creation, this world and its joys -

٧٣. نشرتُ مدحك في الآفاق ما طلعت
شمس وما لاح في جنح الدجى قمرُ

74. Without you, there would be neither world nor humanity.

٧٤. أنت الخلائقُ والدنيا وبهجتها
لولاكَ ما كانت الدنيا ولا البشَرُ