
You have won by your glances as much as you attained with swords in war,

لم تنل بالسيوف في الحرب إلا

1. You have won by your glances as much as you attained with swords in war,
And the eyes of the deer are deer-like, and for this resemblance

١. لم تَنَل بالسيوف في الحرب إِلاَّ
مثلما نِلتَ باللّواحِظ مِنَّا

2. The eyelid was metaphorically termed an eyelid.

٢. وعيونُ الظِّبا ظُباً وبهذا
سُمِّىَ الجَفنُ للتَّشابُهِ جَفنَا