1. The radiance of his essence made eloquent
Speech that patched people superfluous,
١. أغنى عيانُ معانيه النَّواظِرَ عن
قولٍ يُلَفَّقُ فى قومٍ ويُؤتَفَكُ
2. O eternal one, when I say this, none can refute,
Neither my words nor their comprehension,
٢. يا واحِدَ الدّهرِ لا ردٌّ علىَّ إذا
ما قلتُ ذلك فى قولى ولا دَرَكُ
3. After the Prince of Believers no young man
Had courage but you and devotion,
٣. ما كان بعدَ أمير المؤمنين فتىً
فيه الشجاعةُ إِلا أنت والنُّسُكُ
4. Your actions and his today concur,
And your attributes and his today overlap,
٤. فالفِعلُ منه ومنك اليوم مَتَّفَقٌ
والنَّعتُ منه ومنك اليومَ مُشتَرَكُ
5. You're called righteous by all religious people,
And you're righteous to those who hold to religion,
٥. يُدعَى بصالحِ أهلِ الدّينِ كُلِّهِمُ
وأنت صالحُ مَن بالدين يَمتَسِكُ
6. You were not pleased with people's names who became relics,
As if their titles after them were abandoned.
٦. لم ترضَ أسماءَ قومٍ أصبحوا رِمَماً
كأنَّ ألقابَهم من بعدهم تُرُك