
My heart was cloven in four 'midst that blessed four,

ربع الفؤاد خلال تلك الأربع

1. My heart was cloven in four 'midst that blessed four,
As though for it they were more rightful than my ribs.

١. رَبَعَ الفؤادُ خِلالَ تلك الأربُعِ
فكأنّها أولى به من أضلُعي

2. So it took dwelling there and the wings became tattered,
Of it and how is the waste, the wastes with tattered things?

٢. وأقام فيه فالجوانحُ بَلقَعٌ
منه وما البِيدُ القِفارُ ببَلقَعِ

3. And I see the youth passing the clouds, yet only
The clouds of his pain are passing, the clouds of tears.

٣. وأَرى الصَّبا تمرى السّحابَ وإنَّما
تَمرِي صَبابتُهُ سحابَ الأدمُعِ