
I wonder how you all have fared since we parted,

ليت شعرى كيف أنتم بعدنا

1. I wonder how you all have fared since we parted,
Do you now feel what we feel?

١. ليت شعرى كيف أنتم بعدّنا
أَتُرى عندكمُ ما عندنا

2. You built while longing for us did not build within,
You prospered while anguish did not prosper us.

٢. بنتُمُ والشّوقُ عنَّا لم يَبِن
وظعنتُم والأسى ما ظَعَنا

3. Say to those joyous in our absence, though
We were hurt for their sake, what hurt us.

٣. قل لمسرورين بالبين وقد
شَفَّنا من أجلهم ما شَفَّنَا

4. Our distance never weakened you
As your distance weakened us.

٤. لم يَهُن قطُّ علينا بُعدُكم
مثلما هانَ عليكم بُعدُنا

5. We might have consoled ourselves had you,
Before the parting, been like us.

٥. ولقد كُنَّا نُعزِّى النفسَ لو
كنتمُ قبلَ التّنائى مثلَنا

6. You cared not, when you left one morning,
What the days had inflicted on us.

٦. لم تُبالوا إذ رحلتم غُدوةً
أىَّ شىءٍ صنَع الدهرُ بنا

7. Our lids kept vigils after you had gone
As if we'd never known rest.

٧. سهرت أجفانُنَا بَعدكمُ
فكأنَّا ما عرفنا الوَسَنا

8. No eyes that saw you saw, after you'd left,
Aught of beauty, only tears pouring.

٨. لا رأَت عينٌ رأت من بعدكم
غيرَ فَيضِ الدمعِ شيئاً حسَنا

9. Beguile the eyes with a phantom like the way
Talk of the departed beguiles the heart.

٩. وآخدعوا العينَ بطيفٍ مثلما
تخدعُ القلبَ أحاديثُ المُنَى