
Alas! Has help and Romans come that we

ألا هل أتى غوثا ورومان أننا

1. Alas! Has help and Romans come that we
Have become in the morning Banu Dhubyan, one of the greatest,

١. أَلا هَل أَتى غَوثاً وَرومانَ أَنَّنا
صَبَحنا بَني ذُبيانَ إِحدى العَظائِمِ

2. And we watered the women of Al-Hayy once with the spear
And with horses charging we have surrounded the son of the unjust

٢. وَسُقنا نِساءَ الحَيِّ مُرَّة بِالقَنا
وَبِالخَيلِ تَردي قَد حَوَينا اِبنَ ظالِمِ

3. A prominent one leading the sides of the dwellings
With fatigue between the lofty landmarks

٣. جَنيباً لِأَعضادِ النَواحي يَقُدنَهُ
عَلى تَعَبٍ بَينَ النَواجي الرَواسِمِ

4. He says come to me for redemption and be kind
To me and reward me instead of the newcomers

٤. يَقولُ اِقبَلوا مِنّي الفِداءَ وَاِنعموا
عَلَيَّ وَجَزّوني مَكانَ القَوادِمِ

5. And the edge of the spear has touched the side of his camel
So it became like the cheek of the intertwined standard

٥. وَقَد مَسَّ حَدُّ الرُمحِ قَوّارَةَ أَستِهِ
فَصارَت كَشِدقِ الأَعلَم المُتَضاجِمِ

6. Asking about us the neighbor Ibn 'Awf for he has seen
His wife set upon her the destinies

٦. وَسائِل بِنا جارَ اِبنَ عَوفٍ فَقَد رَأى
حَليلَتَهُ جالَت عَلَيها مَقاسِمي

7. After being distracted by the denial of the one hit by
Laiq the son of Hazim with his two arrows

٧. تلاعب وَحدان العَضاريطِ بَعدَما
جَلاها بِسَهمَيهِ لَقيطُ بنُ حازِمِ

8. Are you deluded if told Ibn 'Awf while I do not see
Your determination except weak in determinations

٨. أَغَرَّكَ إِن قيلَ اِبنَ عوفٍ وَلا أَرى
عَزيمَكَ إِلّا واهِياً في العَزائِمِ

9. The next day we took captives in Khafajah their captives
And evil omens passed them from us

٩. غَداةَ سَبَينا في خَفاجَة سَبيِها
وَمَرَّت لَهُم مِنّا نُحوسُ الأَشائِمِ

10. So who will convey from me to the Khawarij a raid
Upon the people of 'Awf terrifying the non-sleepers

١٠. فَمَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّى الخَزارِجَ غارَةً
عَلى حَيِّ عَوف موجِفاً غَيرَ نائِمِ