1. I asked the horsemen at Rabu'a about our severity
Did they see people at the foot of the barren valley?
١. سائِل فَوارِسَ يَربوعٍ بِشِدَّتِنا
أَهَل رَأَونا بِسَفح القاعِ ذي الأَكَمِ
2. Did they leave crying because of you there a bloodshed
Whose wounds sniff prey with greed?
٢. أَهَل تَرَكتُ نَهيكاً فيهِ دامِيَةً
قَلّاسُهُ تَنعَتُ الصَلاءَ بِالغَذَمِ
3. And Al-Harith ibn Shihab in the midst of battle
As ransom, halted for the limping and the lame
٣. وَالحارِثَ بنَ شِهابٍ عِندَ مُعتَركٍ
رَهنُ المَقامَةِ لِلعَرجاءِ وَالرُخَمِ
4. That is how when a raid befell
It unleashed every free and enslaved servant
٤. إِنّا كَذلِكَ إِذ ما غارَةٌ لَحِقَت
يُفضي بِكُلِّ رَقيقٍ حُرَّةٍ خَدَمِ
5. And every dishonest pillager, a soft and an easy prey
Who hides when death clashes with destinies
٥. وَكُلَّ مُستَرِقٍ نَهدَ وَسَلهَبَةٍ
يَكتُمنَ عِندَ اِعتراكِ المَوتِ بِاللَمَمِ