
I charged the heroes of Saad and Malik again and again,

كررت على أبطال سعد ومالك

1. I charged the heroes of Saad and Malik again and again,
And who calls the caller when he is urgent?

١. كَرَرتُ عَلى أَبطالِ سَعدٍ وَمالِكٍ
وَمَن يَدعُ الداعي إِذا هُوَ نَدَّدَ

2. So I charged the roses until I saw them
Falling in the desert, in pairs and alone.

٢. فَلَأيا كَرَرتُ الوردَ حَتّى رَأَيتُهُم
يَكُبّونَ في الصَحراءِ مَثنى وَموحدا

3. The morning your spears pierced them in the plain
And the claim of Zaneem and Saad became clear.

٣. غَداةَ بَذَتهُم بِالصَعيدِ رِماحَكُم
وَقَد ظَهَرَت دَعوى زَنيمُ وَأَسعَدا

4. So I did not stop shooting them with the radiance of his face,
And with the sword until my arms were exhausted and weakened.

٤. فَما زِلتُ أَرميهُم بِغرَّةِ وَجهِهِ
وَبِالسَيفِ حَتّى كَلَّ تَحتي وَبَلَّدا

5. When the tops of the highlands doubted Lubanah,
I advanced him until he saw death as black.

٥. إِذا شَكَّ أَطرافَ العَوالي لُبانَةُ
أَقَدِّمُهُ حَتّى يَرى المَوتَ أَسوَدا

6. Her sickness yesterday you already knew,
And the slave girls between us had become drowsy.

٦. عُلالَتُها بِالأَمسِ ما قَد عَلِمتُم
وَعَلَّ الجَواري بَينَنا أَن تَسهَدا

7. Nabhan knew I had protected her,
And that I prevented the captives from scattering.

٧. لَقَد عَلِمَت نَبهانُ أَنّي حَمَيتُها
وَأَنّي مَنعتُ السَبيَ أَن يَتَبَدَّدا

8. In the evening, I left the son of Dab as if
He had fallen from the cliff of high mountains.

٨. عَشِيَّةَ غادَرتُ اِبنَ ضَبٍّ كَأَنَّما
هَوى عَن عُقابٍ مِن شَماريخ صِندَدا

9. With Zu Shetb I overwhelmed the battalion Salhab,
He crouched like the darkness of night, familiar.

٩. بِذي شَطبٍ أَغشى الكَتيبَة سَلهَب
أَقَبَّ كَسَرحانِ الظَلامِ مِعوَدا