
O people of Syda, return my horse to me

يا بني الصيداء ردوا فرسي

1. O people of Syda, return my horse to me
This is only done to the disgraced one

١. يا بَني الصَيداءِ رُدّوا فَرَسي
إِنَّما يُفعَلُ هَذا بِالذَليل

2. Do not disgrace him, for I have never been
O people of Syda, one who accepts the dower from the disgraced one

٢. لا تَذيلوهُ فَإِنّي لَم أَكُن
يا بَني الصَيدا لِمُهري بِالمُذيل

3. Accustom him as I had accustomed him
To trotting through the night and trampling over the slain

٣. عَوِّدوهُ كَالَّذي عَوَّدتُهُ
دَلَجَ اللَيلِ وَإيطاءَ القَتيل

4. I carry the saddle on its blanket
So it remains restless, swaying

٤. أَحمِلُ الزِقَّ عَلى مَنسِجِهِ
فَيَظَلُّ نَشواناً يَميل