1. He remembered my pasture when he saw me
Turning the hill like a crescent moon
١. تَذَكَّر وَطبَهُ لَمّا رَآني
أَقلِبُ صَعدَة مِثلَ الهِلالِ
2. And he surrendered his wedding night when we met
And was certain that we were the brave heroes
٢. وَأَسلَمَ عِرسَهُ لَمّا اِلتقَينا
وَأَيقَنَ أَنَّنا صُهبُ السِبالِ
3. So if he recovers, I have not breathed on him
And if he dies, I do not care
٣. فَإِن يَبرَأَ فَلَم أَنفُث عَلَيهِ
وَإِن يَهلَك فَإِنّي لا أُبالي
4. And Ma’add knew that my sword
Is tough whenever it is called to war
٤. وَقَد عَلَمَت مَعَدٌّ أَنَّ سَيفي
كَريهٌ كُلَّما دُعِيَت نَزالِ
5. I sharpen it every day
And redden it with the blood of men
٥. أُغاديهِ بِصَقل كُلَّ يَومٍ
وَأَعجُمهُ بِهاماتِ الرِجالِ
6. Zayd wished for more of Zayd, so he met
A brother to trust when destinies differ
٦. تَمَنّى مَزيد زَيداً فَلاقى
أَخا ثِقَةٍ إِذا اِختَلَفَ العَوالي
7. Like Munayyah Jabir when he said: If only
I would meet him and gain some of his money
٧. كَمُنيَةِ جابِرٍ إِذا قالَ لَيتي
أُصادِفُهُ وَأُتلِفُ بِعضَ مالي
8. We met but did not pour evenly
Rather he fell from a state to a state
٨. تَلاقَينا فَما صُبنا سَواء
وَلَكِن خَرَّ عَن حالٍ فَحالِ
9. And were it not for his saying: O Zayd, stop!
Nuwayrah would have led to consequences
٩. وَلَولا قَولُهُ يا زَيدُ قَدني
لَقَد قامَت نُوَيرَةُ بِالمَآلي
10. I shook his clothes when we met
With repeated thrusts like rings
١٠. شَكَكت ثِيابَهُ لَمّا اِلتَقَينا
بِمُطرَدِ المَهَزَّةِ كَالخلالِ
11. And the knight of Raq’a reluctantly dismounted
To one whose youth converses with polishing
١١. وَأَنزَلَ فارِسُ الرَقعاءِ كُرهاً
بِذي شُطَبٍ يُحادِثُ بِالصِقالِ
12. I bring the tethered horses closer, I
See a war that will ignite from rage
١٢. أُقَرِّبُ مَربَطَ الهَطالِ إِنّي
أَرى حَرباً سَتَلقَحُ عَن حِيالِ
13. I straighten it with a sword when we contend
And prefer it over all the household
١٣. أُسَوّيهِ بِمَكنِفَ إِذا شَتَونا
وَأُؤثِرُ عَلى جُلِّ العِيالِ
14. And it has reached the evenness of all glory
By itself when the swords glisten white
١٤. وَقَد بَلَغَت سُواءَةَ كُلَّ مَجدٍ
بِأَنفُسِها إِذا سَمِنَت فَصالي