
The noble descendant of Fatima's family has pardoned

عفا من آل فاطمة السليل

1. The noble descendant of Fatima's family has pardoned
Though they advanced with towering fortress

١. عَفا مِن آلِ فاطِمَةِ السَليلُ
وَقَد قَدُمَت بِذي أَوبٍ طُلولُ

2. It lies empty, the dwellings of Gawad abandoned
Few remain there as friends

٢. خَلَت وَتَزجَر القَلع الغَوادي
عَلَيها فَالأَنيسُ بِها قَليلُ

3. I stood by it, but when there was no response
I wept, though I am no ignorant fool

٣. وَقَفتُ بِها فَلَمّا لَم تُجِبني
بَكَيتُ وَلَم أَخَل أَنّي جَهولُ

4. And when the morning light shone on Safa's slopes
The remnants of their tribes gathered

٤. وَلَمّا أَن بَدَت لِصَفا أُراقٍ
تَجَمَّعَ مِن طَوائِفِهِم فُلولُ

5. As if beside Al-Qaa they had always been
Ostriches grazing, shaded from the sun

٥. كَأَنَّهُم بِجَنبِ القاعِ أَصلاً
نِعامٌ قالِصٌ عَنهُ الظَلولُ