1. He fled from war though no coward was Hatem,
Nor was he sick or wounded in the fray.
١. وَفَرَّ مِنَ الحَربِ العَوانِ وَلَم يَكُن
بِها حاتِمُ طَيّاً وَلا مُتَطَبَّبا
2. Yet he who was so bold became afraid
A fortress fears when walls begin to sway.
٢. وَرَيّبَ حصناً بَعدَ أَن كانَ آبِياً
أَبُوَّةُ حِصنٍ فَاِستَقالَ وَأَعتَبا
3. Stay with the sons of Badr, no more heed
These wars; when bloodshed ends you'll dance and play.
٣. أَقِم في بَني بَدرٍ وَلا ما يَهُمُّنا
إِذا ما تَقَضَّت حَربُنا أَن تَطرَبا