1. Alas, she bid her neighbors farewell, the dark cliffs,
And was miserly to one in need, never offering provisions.
١. أَلا وَدَّعتَ جيرانَها أَم أُسودا
وَضَنَّت عَلى ذي حاجَةٍ أَن يَزودا
2. Of women's traits I most despise in her utmost severity,
So turn not, my tribe, to sternness and rigidity.
٢. وَأَبغَض أَخلاق النِساءِ أَشَدَّهُ
إِلَيَّ فَلا تولن أَهلي تَشَدُّدا
3. Ask the Bani Nabhan about us, and with them
Is an affliction like the cut of a blade that severs the hand.
٣. وَسائِل بَني نَبهانَ عَنّا وَعِندَهُم
بَلاءٌ كَحَدِّ السَيفِ إِذ قَطَعَ اليَدا
4. They left Malik, then we joined with Malik,
And his light, like a lamp, shone bright.
٤. دَعوا مالِكاً ثُمَّ اِتصَلنا بِمالِكٍ
فَكانَ ذَكا مِصباحِهِ فَتَوَقَّدا
5. And Bashir son of 'Amr left us Mujannadal
Swaying with worry there and Ma'bad.
٥. وَبَشر بنُ عَمرٍو قَد تَرَكَنا مُجَندلاً
يَنوءُ بِخطارٍ هُناكَ وَمَعبَدا
6. The she-mule of 'Ulalah hobbled with him
When the jingling bridle-leather whimpered and palled.
٦. تَمَطَّت بِهِ قَوداءُ ذاتَ عُلالَةٍ
إِذا الصلدَمُ الخِنذيذ أَعيا وَبَلَّدا
7. We met them to rescue the horses like ostriches
As they plundered the coveted Samharite.
٧. لَقيناهُم نَستَنقِذُ الخَيلَ كَالقَنا
وَيَستَسلِبونَ السَمهَرِيِّ المُقَصَّدا
8. So oh Lord of Fate, we clashed with Jafnah
At Thi Al-Ramth when they called for pairs and One.
٨. فَيا رُبّ قدرٍ قَد كَفَأنا وَجَفنَةً
بِذي الرَمثِ إِذ يَدعونَ مَثنى وَموحِدا
9. Yet I will store my spear, Sa'dah,
With legs swift as Zayd's, lest Ma'bad be laid waste.
٩. عَلى أَنَّني أَثوي سِناني صَعدَتي
بِساقِين زيداً أَن يَبوءَ وَمَعبَدا