
My psalm contains news of the Prophet Muhammad

زبوربأخبار النبي محمد

1. My psalm contains news of the Prophet Muhammad
And his signs which they acknowledged as miracles

١. زبورٌبأخبار النبيِّ محمدٍ
وآياته اللاتي أقروا لها عجزا

2. Clear water for those who seek rose gardens
And treasure for those who love to find treasure

٢. زلالٌ لمن يبغي وروداً على ظما
وكنزٌ لمن يهوى على فاقة كنزا

3. Its chrysolite is a branch and its pearl is a light
And its ruby - it is the best among necklaces

٣. زبرجدُه غصنٌ ولؤلؤه ندٍ
وياقوتُه ذاك فدونكه نهزا

4. We were amazed by Ibn Muhsin's eloquence
The day he became a sword that slices the tall

٤. زُهينا وأُعجبنا بجدل ابن محصن
غداة غدا سيفاً يحز الطُلى حزّا

5. His leadership increased with his Lord's signs
So he gave generously that day to the warriors

٥. زعامتُه زادت بآيات ربّه
فأبلى وأربى يوم ذاك على الغُزّا

6. The jewels of the signs were revealed and declared
With the truthfulness of Allah's Messenger that they symbolized

٦. زواهر آيات تجلّت وأعلنتْ
بصدق رسولِ اللّه ما رمزت رمزا

7. The envious turned their faces from him out of misery
May the envious be disgraced as they deserve

٧. زوى وجهَه عنه الحسودُ شقاوةً
ليُخزى وما أولى الحسود بأن يُخزى

8. The ignorance of an era caused him to stop striving
And remain still, waiting for sustenance

٨. زمانةُ جهلٍ أقعدته فما سعى
على قدمٍ بلْ ظل ينتظر الرجزا

9. The wind swept the dust of that army after seven years
So sweep them away with all your might

٩. زَفَتْ ريح ذاك الجيش من بعدِ سبعةٍ
تراب سليم فلتملْ بهم بهزا

10. Every full moon shone when they set out
With al-Mustafa, not complaining of blows or stabs

١٠. زكا كل بدريّ بها حينَ بادروا
معَ المصطفى لم يشتكوا الضرب والوخزا

11. We bridled the steeds of ardent love towards sanctuaries
In which his banners were planted

١١. زممنا مطايا الشوقِ نحوَ معاهدٍ
بها ركزتْ راياته ركزا

12. We marched to them with our innermost hearts
So, my Lord, did my heart suffice and was it accepted

١٢. زحفنا إليها بالضمائر حِجْرة
فياربِّ هل أغنى ضميري وهل أجزا

13. Visiting them is a right but obstacles prevented us
Reasons that held us back

١٣. زيارتُها حقُّ ولكنْ تعذّرت
علينا بأسباب حُجزنا بها حجزا

14. An era has passed in which we did nothing
Except that it passes by, spurring us on

١٤. زمانٌ مضى لم نقضِ منه لبانةً
سوى أنه يعدو ويحفزنا حفزا

15. The adornments of this world busy a person inwardly
Dressing him in rags and robbing him of his rags

١٥. زخارفُ دنيا تشغلُ المرءَ باطناً
فتلبسه بزّاً وتسلبه بزَّا

16. The keepers of the gardens of bliss are prepared
For those who attained righteousness, so it became their refuge

١٦. زرابيُّ جنات النعيم مُعدَّةٌ
لمن أحرز التقوى فصارت له حرزا

17. I directed the short lines of my thoughts to praise the Prophet Muhammad
Thoughts that disdain impurity and coarseness

١٧. زففتُ إلى مدح النبيِّ محمدٍ
مقاصر فكر تأنف الوشيَ والخزّا

18. Its allure is in the pearls in their necks
And were it not for the pride of pearls, they would not be adorned

١٨. زواهي بالدُّر الذي في نحورها
ولولا اعتزازُ الدُّرِ ما زُهيت عزا

19. Increasing the memory certainly does not lack benefit
For a lover when it stirs him suddenly to tremble

١٩. زيادةُ ذكرى ليسَ يعدمُ نفعها
مُحبُّ إذا هزّته من فوره اهتزّا

20. The required amount of poetry is praising our Prophet
So bless him that you may win what you seek

٢٠. زكاةُ نصابِ الشعرِ مدحُ نبينا
فصلِّ عليه كي تفوزَ بما تجزى