
Muhammad, the object of praise, understand,

محمد المقصود بالمدح فافهم

1. Muhammad, the object of praise, understand,
Bless him each time and send peace upon him,

١. محمدُ المقصود بالمدح فافهمِ
وصلِّ عليه كلَّ حين وسَلِّم

2. Recite to me his battles then the verses
That were revealed to illuminate like suns and stars,

٢. مغازيه أُملي ثم آياتُه التي
تجلّت فجلّت من شموس وأنجم

3. You have granted me every polished pearl of praise,
No restraint, so gather what you have granted me and compose,

٣. منحتك منها كلَّ درّ مدحرج
ولا منْع فاجمع ما منحتك وانظم

4. The efforts of Jews to harm Muhammad,
Stirred up the battle of the Confederates from every obstinate one,

٤. مساعي يهود في أذاة محمد
جنت ثورة الأحزاب من كل مجثم

5. He went forth and provoked the polytheists in Mecca
And in Ghatafan the tribe of Hudhayl and Ibn Mishkam,

٥. مضى فأثار المشركين بمكة
وفي غطفان هودة وابن مشكم

6. Opposing Allah while Allah is the Conqueror,
And whoever fights the divine army is defeated,

٦. مغالبةً للّهِ واللّهُ غالبٌ
ومن حاربَ الجيش الإلهي يُهزَم

7. The people walked by the noble command so they dug trenches,
And the Messenger of Allah worked among them,

٧. مشى الناسُ بالأمر الكريم فخندقوا
وأضحى رسولُ اللّه يعملُ فيهم

8. Assisting the Muslims when a boulder appeared
That exhausted every Muslim man,

٨. معاونةً للمسلمين وقد بَدت
لهم صخرة أعيتْ على كلِّ مسلم

9. They repeatedly struck it and it terrified the men so they held back,
But when he came it disintegrated and did not resist,

٩. ململمة هالت رجالاً فأمسكوا
فلمَّا أتى انهلت ولم تتلوّم

10. Allah wiped out the traces of the polytheists with a storm,
No tent of theirs remained from the violent wind,

١٠. محا الله رسمَ المشركين بعاصفٍ
من الريح ما أبقت لهم من مُخيّم

11. These noble traits of the Chosen Prophet are prophetic,
So the honored Prophet did not betray any people,

١١. مكارمُ هذا المصطفى نبويّة
فما غرَّ قوماً بالنبي المكرّم

12. His status with Allah is tremendous,
And his signs illuminate the darkness of every gloomy night,

١٢. مكانته عند الإله عظيمة
وآياته تجلو دجى كلِّ مُظلم

13. Among the signs is that Abu Talha invited him,
One day to the most blessed food,

١٣. من الآي فيها أن دعاهُ لبيته
أبو طلحةٍ يوماً لأيسر مطعم

14. Prepared for just one person, so he invited for it,
Eighty men, both youth and elders,

١٤. مُعدُّ لشخص واحدٍ فدعا له
ثمانين شخصاً من شباب وهُرّم

15. Attributes particularized by the verse of his Lord,
The elite Prophet, the honest, present of heart, inspired,

١٥. مناقبُ مخصوص بآية ربِّه
صفيُّ نجيٌّ حاضر القلب مُلهم

16. Its meanings adorned every age as if they were
Jewels and pearls adorned by every refined one,

١٦. معانيه زانتْ كلَّ دهر كأنها
حُلَى غُرر يُزهى بها كلُّ أدهم

17. His praiseworthy traits encompass all praise entirely,
No division except what the Bestower has apportioned,

١٧. محاسنُه تستغرقُ الحسنَ كلَّه
ولا قسم إلا في المُحيّا المقسّم

18. His gifts with which every barren land is watered,
And his spears with which every towering mountain is ascended,

١٨. مواهبُه يُسقى بها كلُّ مُجدب
وأرماحُه يُرقى بها كلُّ أرقم

19. The refuge of mankind from the discord of predecessors,
Branch and root of the righteous and the sinful,

١٩. ملاذُ الورى من خالفِ بعد سالف
وفرع وأصل من تقي ومُجرم

20. If precedence in excellence were not for Muhammad,
We would say perhaps the excellence is for the predecessors,

٢٠. متى صحَّ فضلُ السبق لولا محمدٌ
لقلنا لعلَّ الفضل للمتقدم