
The branches and roots of nobility have gathered

فروع المعالي والأصول تجمعت

1. The branches and roots of nobility have gathered
Their offspring for Mustafa and the youths

١. فروعُ المعالي والأصول تجمّعت
توالدها للمصطفى والطوارف

2. The overflowing rivers of the earth's generosity flow from his munificence
So every knower becomes, by the morrow, more knowing

٢. فُراتُ بحارِ الأرضِ من جوده جرىَ
فلا عارفٌ إلا غدا وهو عارف

3. The tender branches aim upright like the branches
So they attain in every region that which sweeps all away

٣. فروجُ بنانٍ كالفروع تصوّبت
فصابت ففي الأقطار منهن جارفُ

4. The brilliance of the two luminaries suffices me with what it has grasped
Pastures in this abode and places to graze

٤. فروغ عن الفرغين تُغني بما اكتفت
مرابغ في هذا الورى ومخارف

5. The group of guidance - none who stuck by its mounts
Had from the separation a tear not profusely pouring

٥. فريقُ الهدى من لمْ يفارق ركابه
وكانَ له دمعٌ من البينِ ذارف

6. The separation from the Messenger of Allah silenced their tongues
The morning after he passed away, while all in battle were sweeping away

٦. فراقُ رسول اللّه أخرس لسنهم
غداةَ ثوى والكلُّ في الحربِ هارف

7. Their religious obligations have become like their hearts
But for them, on the day they meet their end, are recognitions

٧. فرائضُهم أمست كمثلِ قلوبهم
ولكنْ لهم يوم الجلاد عوارفُ

8. I have grafted with praises of the Messenger and his companions
The high minaret - I am, by this, a recognizer

٨. فرعتُ بأمداح الرسولِ وصحبه
سنامَ العُلا إني بذلك عارف

9. My poetic obligations are praises of their glory
So nothing will divert me from them until the end of time

٩. فرائضُ أشعاري مدائح مجدهم
فمالي عنها آخر الدهر صارفُ

10. The choice tidbits the choice tidbits crave in the gleamings
And an intricate weave the gazers desire

١٠. فرائدُ تهواها الفرائدُ في الطُلى
ووشيٌ بديع تشتهيه المطارف