1. The banner of Allah's Messenger as long as it flutters
And the night of hardships is illuminated by it and clears up
١. لواءُ رسولِ اللّه ما دامَ يعتلي
ويُجلْى به ليلُ الخطوب وينجلي
2. After the Battle of Uhud they scattered
And Quraish was between past and future
٢. لكرّتة من بعد أحدٍ تفرّقت
قريشٌ وكانتْ بين ماضٍ ومقبل
3. Their annoyance was that his abode was in Al-Hamra
So Allah had a view of settling in a residence
٣. لمثواهُ بالحمراء كان انزعاجهم
فللّه رأيٌ في نزول بمنزل
4. Allah destroyed the tribes of Banu Nadir
For they plotted to kill him deceitfully
٤. لحا اللّه أسباط النضير فإنه
أتاهم فراموا قتله بالتحيّل
5. Therefore He raided them in a raid that shook them
As stated in the text of the revealed Book
٥. لذاك غزاهم غزوة دوختهم
كما جاء في نصِّ الكتاب المنزّل
6. After it the Confederates gathered against him
Ghatfan was with them, high and low
٦. له بعدها ذاتُ الرقاع تجمّعت
لها غطفان بينَ أعلى وأسفل
7. He met them at the palm trees and prepared for their war
And prayed the prayer of fear without haste
٧. لقوه بنخلِ فاستعدّ لحربهم
وصلّى صلاةَ الخوف لم يتعجل
8. His Lord held back the hand of Ghowra
On the evening he unsheathed his sword like one bidding farewell
٨. لقد كفَّ عنه ربُّه يد غَوْرة
عشية سلَّ السيفَ كالمتأمل
9. Due to Abu Sufyan's promise, his raids were
To the other Badr, but he did not change course
٩. لوعدِ أبي سفيان كانت غزاته
إلى بدر الأخرى ولم يتحول
10. Nights passed until the Makkan army
And after it another to Dumat Jandal
١٠. ليالي حتى كاد عسكر مكةٍ
ومن بعدها أخرى لدومة جَندَلِ
11. To this chosen Prophet the creation submitted
With the revelation of verses and a decisive blow
١١. لهذا النبي المصطفى أذعن الورى
بتفصيل آيات وضربة فيصل
12. To the best of Allah's servants, outstanding and alone
And the most honorable messenger sent to them
١٢. لخير عباد اللّه فرعاً ومحتداً
وأكرم مبعوثٍ إليهم ومُرسل
13. To the one who came at the sealing of revelation
So his name was paired with The God's name first
١٣. لمن جاءَ والديوان يطوي لختمه
فنيط اسمه باسم الإله بأول
14. To a sublime position and a right preceding
Every rosary-holder prays upon the Chosen One
١٤. لمنزلة عُليا وحق مُقدّم
يُصلّي على المختار كلُّ مبسمل
15. For his intercession is superior to all the clouds
The shining of that face beamed
١٥. لراحته فضلٌ على السحب كلِّها
بدا لمعُ ذاك العارض المتهلل
16. The hopeful rely on him
As the best resort and best expectation
١٦. لديه يحطُ الآملون رحالَهم
على خير مرجوّ وخير مؤمل
17. The milk of this creation will dry up tomorrow
When it is called, "Intercede, O Muhammad, and ask!"
١٧. لُبانةُ هذا الخلق مقضيةٌ غداً
إذا نودي اشفع يا محمد واسأل
18. At the Basin, let me drink if you loved me, so let me drink
And this is my Paradise if you loved me, let me enter
١٨. لدى الحوضِ سقْياً من أحبّك فاسقه
وهذا جناني من أحبّك يدخُل
19. I sang the praises of the Prophet Muhammad
And my speech and words helped me in it
١٩. لهِجتُ بأمداحِ النبي محمدٍ
وساعدني فيها مقالي ومقولي
20. Perhaps the God of creation will benefit me through it
For in Him, not them, is my trust
٢٠. لعلَّ إله الخلق ينفعني بها
فإن عليه لا عليهم توكلي