1. Come let us praise the Prophet to be purified
In it the thirsty soul finds solace and joy
١. هلُمّوا ففي مدح النبيِّ تنزُّهُ
وفيه لعطشان الفؤاد ترفُّه
2. The passion of the youth is healed by his sweet nectar
So the bitterness departs and the thirst is quenched
٢. هيامُ الفتى يشفي بورد زلاله
فينقع من ذاك الغليل وينقه
3. Behold I have a poetic garden
With vessels in it of eloquent drink
٣. هلا إن عندي روضةً أدبيةً
وآنيةً فيها شراب مفوّه
4. I was gifted with the news of the Messenger, a pigeon
It's no wonder the pigeon tells the adorned tale
٤. هديتُ بأخبار الرسول حمامةً
ولاغروَ أن يحكي الحمامُ المدلَّهُ
5. The gift of Abu Bakr came in the year nine
To Mecca, and he is the appointed prince
٥. هديُّ أبي بكر أتى عام تسعة
إلى مكة وهو الأميرُ المنوّه
6. There, Ali made them understand the absolution
And he recited to them, the eloquent orator
٦. هنالكَ أقراهم عليُّ براءةً
فأسمعهم وهو الخطيب المفوّه
7. When the covenant was discarded, the enemies' hearts fluttered
They fled though they were sleeping, suddenly awake
٧. هَفَتْ عند نبذ العهدِ أفئدةُ العدا
فطاروا وكانوا نوّماً فتنبّهوا
8. God guided the people of earth by paths
And the Arab delegations came to him, none left behind
٨. هدى اللّهُ أهل الأرض طراً فأقبلت
إليه وفودٌ العربُ لم يبق مدره
9. It is the promise, God's victory and opening
To execute the judgment that was understood in the promise
٩. هو الوعدُ نصرُ الله والفتحُ أقبلا
لينفذ حُكم كان في الوعد يُفْقَهُ
10. My tears welled when I remembered the Farewell Pilgrimage
Which approached the Messenger, so the eyelids were commanded
١٠. همتْ أدمعي لما تذكرَّت حجةً
دنتْ لرسول اللّه فالجفن أمره
11. It is the greatest pilgrimage, he came to bid farewell
When ten were completed and it was time to set out
١١. هي الحجةُ الكبرى أتاها مودّعاً
وقد كَمُلت عشر وحان التوجّه
12. The landmarks wept those tears for him
And remained lamenting his traces
١٢. هراقت لها تلك المعالمُ أدمعاً
وأمستْ على آثاره تتأوّه
13. The sublime knowledge fell, so there is no matter in Mina
Only fear in the valleys and the land is confused
١٣. هوى العلمُ السامي فلا أمر في منىً
بل الخوفُ عند الخيف والأرض مهمه
14. The worries of the world after ninety nights
Afflicted the companions of devotion and submission
١٤. همومُ الورى من بعد تسعين ليلةً
ألمّت بأصحاب التألُّه ولَّه
15. They cared, they knew the worth of the Prophet and his right
And they conveyed his rulings and understood
١٥. همُوا عرفُوا قدرَ النبي وحقّه
وهمْ نقلُوا أحكامَه وتفقّهوا
16. They were guided, so they guided people under their banners
None strayed except those blinded in heart and deaf
١٦. هُدوا فهدوا بالناس تحت لوائهم
فما ضلَّ إلا أعمَهُ القلب أكمه
17. Rolling hills watered by the Prophet's rain
Bearing produce for the one in retreat and purification
١٧. هضابٌ سقتها ديمةُ نبويةُ
ففيها جنى للمنضوي وتنزّهُ
18. Gifts of the Messenger of God are great treasures
And is there anyone similar to the Messenger among all people?
١٨. هباتُ رسولِ اللّه غُرُّ جليلةٌ
وهلْ لرسول اللّه في الخلق مُشْبه
19. Star clusters that astonish the clouds in confusion
When the clusters and their binding are witnessed
١٩. هُمُول بنان تُدهش السحبَ حيرةً
إذا شهدتْ منها الهمولُ وتشده
20. A crescent appeared then full mooned for the world
And brightened but from its secrets it is veiled
٢٠. هلالٌ تبدّى ثم أقمر للورى
وأبدر لكنْ عن سرارِ يُنزّهُ