1. The adornments of His signs we wore, with them we adorned our honor
With them we wore piety and did not wear disgrace
١. زواهرُ آيات حوينا بها العزّا
لبسنا بها التقوى ولم نلبس الخزّا
2. The deterrents - if others are worshipped alongside Allah
Since it rose, Lat and Uzza were not worshipped
٢. زواجرُ إن يُدعى مع اللّه غيره
فمذ طَلَعتْ لم تعبد اللاتُ والعُزى
3. The enemy turned his face away from it out of misguidance
So it cleaved his skull with the edge of the sword, cleaving
٣. زوى وَجهَه عنها العدو ضلالةً
فحزّت بحدّ السيف هامته حزّا
4. The decline of the honor of the sky was due to Ahmad
So after him the disbelievers could not hold onto any honor
٤. زوالُ سماءِ العزّ كانَ بأحمد
فلم يمسك الكفار من بعده عزّا
5. It wiped out, after it destroyed the people of Aad in their time
So they were cut down, and their skulls were requited in battle
٥. زوى بعدَ ما أهلكن عاد زمانه
فحزّوا وجزت هامهم في الوغى جزا
6. Its last ones drowned Pharaoh in his time
So he perished while his garments were shredded to pieces
٦. زواخره أغرقن فرعون عصره
فأودى وبزّته ملابسه بزّا
7. The allure of the devils of misguidance, their praise
And those which led them to evil led most evilly
٧. زواهي شياطين الضلال مدحتهم
وتلكَ التي أزتّهم للظى أزّا
8. The crawling of Allah's horses, the hyenas precede them
And the foxes have torn their groups to shreds
٨. زواحفُ خيل اللّه تقدمُها الظبا
وسمرُ القنا لزّت جموعهم لزّا
9. The deterrents raid the people in the core of their homes
So they have no patience when they witness the raiders
٩. زواجرُ تغزو القوم في عقر دارهم
فما لهم صبرٌ إذا عاينوا الغُزّا
10. Decrees of wrath against them as if they are
Ships that shook every well-set tent
١٠. زوامر من غيظِ عليهم كأنها
قواصفُ هزت كل رابية هزّا