
Praises in eulogy of the Prophet contained

طوامير في مدح النبي تضمنت

1. Praises in eulogy of the Prophet contained
Words for the understanding of devoted lovers.

١. طواميرُ في مدح النبي تضمنت
كلاماً لأفهام المحبين قدوط

2. Pure whites adorned with eloquence,
And pleasing, eloquent speech and writing.

٢. طواهر بيض زيّنتها بلاغةٌ
وما راقَ من لفظ فصيح ومن خطِّ

3. Their nature stamped with a seal—recite them,
For their essence is finer in order than plaited palm leaves.

٣. طوابعُها مفضوضةُ الختم فاتلها
فجوهرُها أبهى نظاماً من اللّط

4. A good shroud wrapped the Prophet’s body and spread it out.
For him a spreader lies asleep, not cast down.

٤. طوت طيبةٌ جسمَ النبي ونشره
لهُ ناشرٌ نامٍ وليس بمنحطّ

5. Through the long nights his newness does not wear away,
Nor does his coldness underground make him decay.

٥. طوالَ الليالي ليس يبلى جديدُه
ولا برده تحتَ التراب بمنعط

6. Going around the House of God, then to his tomb—
My heart present without steps or cuts.

٦. طوافي ببيت اللّه ثم بقبْره
حضور بقلبي دونَ خطو ولا قطّ

7. The passing days of fate have tossed me about. Would that
They had drowned me and brought me out onto the shore!

٧. طوائحُ دهرِ طوّحت بي وليتها
وقد لجّجت بي أخرجتني إلى الشط

8. The servant folded up on that path, lightening
Sins that weighed on him—they were covered by the heaviest cover.

٨. طوى العبدُ في تلك الطريق مخففاً
ذنوباً علته غطها أثقل الغط

9. The tyrants of the unbelievers beset Ahmad,
But the pens did not write, nor did the spearheads cut.

٩. طواغيتُ أهل الكفرِ حلّت لأحمد
فما حَطتِ الأقلام ثم القنا الخطّ

10. Daggers that stab him are followed by cavaliers’ swords.
What you willed of piercing, what you willed of cutting!

١٠. طواعنُ تتلوها رفاق صوارب
فما شئت من وخز وما شيت من قطّ