
We have not seen a student seeking ijazah

ما رأينا كطالب للإجازه

1. We have not seen a student seeking ijazah
With composure - I see the creation as his miracles

١. ما رأينا كطالبٍ للإجازهْ
برويّ أرى الورىَ إعجازهْ

2. He reached the farthest extent with his generosity
And attained the noble traits among the valiant steeds

٢. واصل غاية المدى بجواد
أحرزَ الخصلَ في الجياد المجازهْ

3. He is called Muhammad and Abu Al-Fadl
For his unmatched virtue and conciseness

٣. هو يُدعى محمداً وأبا الفضلِ
لفضل لا يرتضى إيجازهْ

4. And when attributed to the family of Taj
He is a lofty star, glorified and exceeded them

٤. وإذا ما انتمى إلى آل تجا
نى فنجم سامي السها ثم جازهْ

5. His poetry came adorned with ornaments
A marvel flowing from his conscience

٥. جاءَنا شعرهُ مُحلّى بحلي
بالغ من صدوره أعجازهْ

6. Seven like stars guided to the
Composition from the first speaker or permitted it

٦. سبعةٌ كالنجومِ تهدى إلى النْ
نَظْمِ ابتداء من قائل أو أجازهْ

7. Say to him, O eloquent one, we have listened
Now listen to the promise and then fulfill it

٧. قلْ له أيُّها البليغُ سمعنا
فاسمع الوعدَ ثم خذ إنجازهْ

8. For I permit you on behalf of sheikhs
Who beautified the East, its Levant and Hejaz

٨. فأخوكم يُجيزكم عن شيوخٍ
حاسنوا الشرق شامه وحجازهْ

9. Like the judge of the congregation Ibn Baqi
From his father and grandfather with permission

٩. مثل قاضي الجماعةِ ابن بقي
عن أبيه وجدّه بإجازهْ

10. And from Ibn Al-Baaj and Ibn Al-Shalubi
He permitted before asking for permission

١٠. وعن ابن الباج وابن الشلو
بين أجازه قبل خطب الإجازهْ

11. And from Ibn Al-Fahham, a revered sheikh
People knew his devotion and withdrawal

١١. وعن ابن الفحّام شيخ جليل
علمَ الناسُ نسكه وانحجازهْ

12. So narrate from him, from them, and if you wish also
Narrate his poems and increase his couplets

١٢. فارو عنه عنهم وإن شئت أيضاً
فاروِ أشعاره وزدْ أرجازهْ

13. He is an excellent composer and has composed
The essence of composition, its meaning and metaphors

١٣. إنه ناظمٌ أسنّ وقد سنَّ
من النظم كنهه ومجازهْ

14. Malik bin Al-Marhal authored this
And he is most deserving to permit its metaphors

١٤. مالكُ بن المرحلِ اختط هذا
وهو أولى أن يستجيز مجازهْ

15. He said it in the year six hundred
And eighty six of the centuries, with permission

١٥. قاله عام ستةٍ وثمانين
وستٍ من المئاتِ مجازهْ

16. And with praise of God in every case
And praising the Messenger we hope for permission

١٦. وبحمد الإله في كلِّ حالٍ
وبمدحِ الرسولِ نرجو الإجازهْ