
Come let me tell you of the night when

تعالوا أحدثكم عن الليلة التي

1. Come let me tell you of the night when
It was adorned with the Light of the Chosen One and became radiant

١. وقال أيضاً:

2. Gabriel came forward and prayed and
The angels of the Merciful approached in succession and prayed

٢. تعالوا أحدثكم عن الليلة التي
تحلت بنور المصطفى وتحلَّت

3. The stars of the horizon fell down in it and rushed
Towards every obstinate devil and destroyed him

٣. تقدم جبريل فصلى وأقبلت
ملائكة الرحمن فوجاً فصلت

4. The idols fell down in it and by morning
Were scattered in every neighborhood and dissolved

٤. ترامت نجوم الأفق فيها وأسرعت
إلى كل شيطان سناناً وألت

5. The people were amazed when he bowed down prostrate
And when he disappeared from them in a shrouding cloud

٥. تساقطت الأصنام فيها فأصبحت
منسلّة في كل حي وحُلت

6. He gave good news to mankind and praised in glorification
So the orbits were overjoyed and then began praising

٦. تعجّب منه الناسُ إذ خرَّ ساجداً
وإذ غاب عنهم في غمام أظلّت

7. He appeared to them with a prophetic natural disposition
So his remembrance became in every faith

٧. تعلّل بشراً واستهلّ مُسبحاً
فهلّلت الأفلاك ثم استهلت

8. The world was perfumed by him as if
It were bouquets surrounded by beauty and dripping with scent

٨. تبدّى لهم في فطرة نبوية
فأصبح ذكراً منه في كلِّ ملة

9. The lights glittered and opened up for them
As if the white palaces dripping down from them

٩. تعطّرتِ الدنيا به فكأنّها
خمائل حفّت بالأزاهي وطلّت

10. Harbingers of dawn at the ends of a night
And the appearance of innocence in the darkest tribulations

١٠. تلألأَت الأنوارُ وانفرجتْ لهمْ
كأن القصورَ البيضَ منهم تدلَّت

11. Blessed is He who gave him a generous essence
And instilled in it the secret of perfection thus it became sublime

١١. تباشيرُ صبحِ في مآخر ليلةٍ
واقبالُ بُرء في عقابيلَ علّت

12. The branches of glory reached out to Muhammad
And surrendered their secret to him and submitted

١٢. تباركَ مَنْ أعطاه ذاتاً كريمةً
وأودَعها سرَّ الكمالِ فجلّت

13. The pearls of the glory of his path
Are transforming and were it not for his glory they would not have become radiant

١٣. تناهتْ فروعُ المجدِ نحو محمد
فألقتْ إليه سرَّها وتخلّت

14. The recurring news of his miracles
And the miracle of the Quran the strongest proof

١٤. ترائبُ هذا الدهرِ من درّ مجده
حوالٍ ولولا مجدُهُ ما تحلّت

15. He challenged them with miracles but they denied
So when he threw the pebbles they said he bewitched

١٥. تواترتِ الأخبارُ عن مُعجزاته
ومعجزةُ القرآن أقوى الأدلة

16. He wielded the two swords, the parchment and the armor
So the world, between honor and disgrace, yielded

١٦. تحدّاهم بالمعجزات فكذّبوا
فلمَّا أثار النقع قالوا استقلت

17. I remembered the birth of the Prophet Muhammad
So I shed tears that flooded

١٧. تقلّد سيْفي مُصحف وصفيحة
فدانَ الورى ما بين عزِّ وذلّة

18. My heart forgot all love for love of him
Thus the sun makes the glow of the crescents fade

١٨. تذكرتُ ميلادَ النبي محمدٍ
فأمللتُه لا بلْ دموعي أملّت

19. I wished in those signs to take a step
That would soothe my confused heart and cool my inflammation

١٩. تناسى فؤادي كلَّ حبٍّ بحبّه
كذاكَ تُحيل الشمسُ ضوءَ الأهلّة

20. The amulets of my soul are his remembrance so by remembering him
It has a refuge in its time wherever it lingers

٢٠. تمنيتُ في تلكَ المعالِم خطوةً
تُسكّن بلبالي وتُبْرد غلّتي

٢١. تمائمُ نفسي ذكرهُ فبذكره
لها عُوذَةٌ في دهرها حيثُ حلَّت
