1. The wonders of the Prophet's signs are marvels,
And his tales in the horizons are circulating.
١. عجائب آيات النبي بدائعٌ
وأخباره في الخافقين شوائعُ
2. Listen to me, for I am relating
About a glory - are you listening?
٢. عليك بأن تصغي إليَّ فإنني
أُحدث عن مجدٍ فهل أنت سامع
3. The people of Khaybar disobeyed the Messenger, so he came upon them,
Yet those mighty fortresses did not avail them.
٣. عصى الخيبريّون الرسولَ فجاءهم
فلمْ تغنهم تلك الحصونُ الموانعُ
4. The fort of Al-Ghamoos yielded to him, so it became submissive,
And the fort of As-Sa'b became desolate and empty.
٤. عفى منهم حصن الغموص فناعم
وأقفر حصنُ الصعب فهي بلاقع
5. For Ali, he meant whoever resisted him from their fortresses,
So no bird but that it will swoop down upon him tomorrow.
٥. عنى لِعليّ مَنْ عتا مِن حصونهم
فلا طائرٌ إلا غدا وهو واقع
6. Illness pained his eyelid, so he was treated by spitting in his eye while tranquil.
He raised the banner of Al-Mustafa in his right hand,
٦. عَرَى جفنه سقمٌ فعوجل برؤه
بنفثته في عينه وهو وادع
7. So those fortresses were shaken by tremors.
After this conquest, the wife of Ibn Mashkam came
٧. علا ولواءُ المصطفى بيمينه
فهبّت على تلك الحصون زعازع
8. Bringing a sheep filled with poisonous venom.
He was given a piece of it, so it spread its poison,
٨. عَدت بعد هذا الفتح زوج ابن مشكم
فجاءت بشاةٍ حشوها السُم ناقع
9. But he discarded it - and Allah is the repeller of harm!
Fadak was taken until the conquest of Khaybar was apparent,
٩. عطا حدةً منها ففاحتْ بسمّها
فألقى بها واللّه للضُّرِّ دافع
10. So it was subdued to him - and Allah brings conquests together!
His horses returned until they came to Wadi Al-Qura,
١٠. عَتَتْ فدكٌ حتى درت فتح خيبر
فدانتْ له واللّهُ للفتح جامع
11. So he descended upon them by force - and the army is returning.
The resolves of the victorious standard-bearer are supported
١١. عدَتْ خَيْلُه حتى أتت وادي القُرى
فأنزلهم بالقسْر والجيشُ راجع
12. His proofs are like the cutting swords.
His signs are like daylight, and his lineage
١٢. عزائمُ منصورِ اللواءِ مُؤيّدٌ
براهينُه مثلُ السيوف قواطع
13. Is a brilliance which the prophecy illuminates.
He is forgiving even if a sinner does not offer an excuse,
١٣. علاماته مثلُ النهارِ وحسبُه
ضياءٌ عليه للنبوءة ساطع
14. Generous even if an empty hand is not satisfied.
The day the poison was eaten, he forgave the one who brought it,
١٤. عفوٌّ وإن لم يبسط العذر مذنبٌ
جوادٌ وإن لم يبسط الكفَ قانع
15. And if he wished, nothing could have prevented him from killing.
Mighty by the piety of Allah - so Allah takes revenge,
١٥. عفا يومَ أكل السُمِّ عمن أتى به
ولو شاءَ لم يمنعْ من القتل مانع
16. And victorious through Allah - so to Allah he is devout.
In this world and the next, your pillar is Muhammad,
١٦. عزيزٌ بتقوى اللّه فاللّه طالبٌ
وباللّه منصور وللّه خاشع
17. So in this one he is a guide, and in the next, an intercessor.
Your weapons are piety to Allah, then following him,
١٧. عمادُك في دنيا وأخرى محمدٌ
ففي هذه هادٍ وفي تلك شافع
18. And the bearers of dignity throughout times are trusts.
May the prayers of Allah be upon him as long as the dawn gleams
١٨. عتادك تقوى اللّه ثمّ اتباعه
وحملةُ أعراض الزمان ودائع
19. And the gazelles sob in the branches of any thicket.
١٩. عليه صلاةُ اللّه ماذرَّ شارق
وما سجعتْ في فرع أيكٍ سواجع