1. Imagination roamed our valleys, never resting,
Except when sleep's flock took flight and scattered.
١. طافَ الخيالُ بوادينا فمازارا
إلا وواقعُ سرب النوم قد طارا
2. Sleep is not to blame, but the eye that chases it away.
No, it's the madness of madmen that set it aflame.
٢. لا ذنبَ للنوم بل للعين تدفعُه
بل للحشا من حشاشات الحشا نارا
3. God has taken my loved ones for what they have done.
Though the beloved may wrong the lover, still he is dear.
٣. لا واخذَ الله أحبابي بما صنعوا
إن الحبيب لمحبوب وإن جارا
4. In the wisdom and mercy of God,
The good are not burdened with others' sins to bear.
٤. وإنَّ من حكمة المولى ورحمته
ألا يحمّل أهل الحسنِ أوزارا
5. How can the heart be blamed? They were but tested
By eyes that reap light and sow it barren.
٥. مِنْ أينَ للقلبِ ذنبٌ إنما امتحنوا
بأعينِ تجتني الأنوارَ نوارا
6. Who shackled the glance in their beauty's garden?
Who let tears flow freely down the cheek's slope?
٦. مَنْ قيّد اللحظَ في روضات أوجههم
من أرسل الدمعَ فوقَ الخدِ مدرارا
7. Who told the heart, tucked in the ribs: "Take flight!"
Yet God did not create it with wings to take flight.
٧. مَنْ قالَ للقلبِ في طيّ الجوانح طِرْ
فطار والله لم يخلقه طياراً
8. With his eyes, the lover reaps his own demise,
Then from his beloved seeks vengeance as recompense.
٨. يجني المحبُّ بعينيه منيتَه
عمداً ويطلبُ من أحبابه الثارا
9. He would see the wrong he brings upon himself
If God gave lovers eyes that truly see.
٩. قد كان يبصر ما يأتيه من خطأ
لو يجعل الله للعشاق أبصارا