
I have appeared with inspiration and preserving it

ظهرت بإملاء المعالي وحفظها

1. I have appeared with inspiration and preserving it
Upon all who inspire and preserve the glories

١. ظهرتُ بإملاء المعالي وحفظها
على كلِّ من يملي المعالي ويحفظ

2. I have attained what I hoped for in praising the master
Whose praises fill the ears of people when praised

٢. ظفرتُ بما أمّلت من مدحِ سيِّد
تُقرّظُ أسماع الورى اذ يقرظ

3. The supporter of God's servants, manifester of His religion
With every sharp sword, its west inflamed

٣. ظهيرُ عباد اللّه مظهرُ دينه
بكلِّ سنان غَربُه يتلمظ

4. His armies encircled Najran as invaders
So he resided there two months, protecting and guarded

٤. ظُبا جيشه حفّت بنجران غازياً
فجلّ به شهرين يُحمي ويُحفظ

5. Victories over enemies, then he marched to
The tribe of Qainuqa, but they betrayed and were harsh

٥. ظهورٌ على الأعداء ثم غزا إلى
بني قينقاع ثم خانوا وأغلظوا

6. The presumptions of the Jews were foiled by their resistance
And they had been sleeping before that so were awakened

٦. ظنونُ يهودٍ خيبت في امتناعهم
وكانوا نياماً قبل ذاك فأوقظوا

7. Their spying, were it not for the intercession, would have become
Accusations, and none among the people would have uttered

٧. ظعائنهم لولا الشفاعةُ أصبحت
سبابا وما في القوم من يتلفظ

8. The she-camels of their misfortunes weep copiously
And the lion of their fears is ferocious

٨. ظباءُ مآقيها من الدمع فُيّضٌ
وأسُد تراقيها من الروع فيّظ

9. The supporter of that army who brought them to the flames
So they are all ejecting from the intensity of the blaze

٩. ظهيرةُ ذاك الجيش أصلتهم لظى
فكلُّهم من شدّة اللفحِ يُلفظ

10. The shadows of the Prophet's safety have lessened with them
The tears of Jews, though bitterness is provoked

١٠. ظلالُ أمانِ المصطفى غيّضت بها
دموعَ يهودٍ والقنا يتغيظ

11. Their windpipes have been distorted in their heads
Like the eyes of thirsty snakes, writhing and coiling

١١. ظنابيبُها قد حُرّفت في رؤوسها
كأعين حيّات عطاش تلظلظ

12. The darkness of the veils of disbelief have cleared with his light
No eye except is hopeful and blinking

١٢. ظلامُ دياجي الكفر زاحَ بنوره
فلا عينَ إلا وهي ترنو وتجحظ

13. The darknesses of the disbelievers are raised by him
So he releases from them every rebel and ejects

١٣. ظلاماتُ أهل الكفر مرفوعةٌ به
فيطلقُ عنهم كلَّ باغ ويلفظ

14. How the conjectures of the rumors have confused with his right hand
And how the clouds have shaded him while he is wakeful

١٤. ظُنونُ الركايا كم أماهت بيمنه
وكم ظللته السُّحب وهوَ مقيظُ

15. The thirst of all people have become sated by his generosity
And the barrenness of the land has become verdant

١٥. ظِماءُ الورى أضحوا رواءً بجُوده
ويُبْسُ نبات الأرض أصبح ينشظ

16. The manifestations of signs that narrate sermons
And whoever is not admonished by words, the sword admonishes

١٦. ظواهرُ آياتٍ تقصُ مواعظاً
ومن لم يعظْهُ القولُ فالسيف أوعظ

17. The appearances of God's servants have strengthened His religion
And the crossbow trembles, so it quakes

١٧. ظهور عبادِ اللّه شدت بدينه
ويرتعدُ السهُم الصليبُ فيرعظ

18. The ardor of those horses have awakened, so all
Are slender, bright of face, well-groomed, sleek

١٨. ظوالع تلكَ الخيل صحت فكلُّها
ظليعٌ أغرُّ الوجه أرتم ألمظ

19. They have hastened to the Prophet's land with resolve
So I have guarded my enemies and have not ceased to be guarded

١٩. ظعنت إلى أرض الرسول بخاطم
فأحفظت أعدائي وما زلتُ أُحفظ

20. I have sought refuge with it in conscience, and destinies that split and enrage
Have prevented me from traveling

٢٠. ظللتُ لديها بالضمير وعاقني
عن السير أقدار تشق وتبهظ