
The prophet of guidance, the best of creation, deserves praise,

نبي الهدى أولى البرية أن تثنى

1. The prophet of guidance, the best of creation, deserves praise,
Do not hold back or waver in praising him.

١. نبيُ الهدى أولى البريّة أن تثنى
عليه ولا تقبض عناناً ولا تثنى

2. Your bliss is in praising the prophet Muhammad,
Indeed, the bliss of the soul, the eyes and the ears.

٢. نعيمك في مدح النبي محمدٍ
نعم ونعيم النفس والعين والأذن

3. The Quraysh betrayed the prophet by breaking their covenant,
And the confederates supported them in wrongdoing and malice.

٣. نكا القرظييّون النبي بنكثهم
ونصرهم الأحزاب للغل والضغن

4. He forbade the people from initiating greetings with him,
And that the afternoon prayer be held except by his fortress.

٤. نهى الناسَ عن وضع السلام نبيهم
وأن لا تصلي العصرَ إلا لدى الحصن

5. The trusted angel Jibril urged him,
And Jibril assisted him with certainty without doubt.

٥. نزولُ أمين اللّه جبريل حثّه
وعُوين جبريلٌ يقيناً بلا ظن

6. They marched to fight him,
And they reviled him while the Master praises his creation.

٦. نزوا نزوةً لما أتى لقتالهم
وسبُّوه والمولى على خلقه يثني

7. Their people denied the length of the siege and it brought them,
Fear that made them forget the pleasure of safety.

٧. نفى قومَهم طولَ الحصار وجاءهم
من الخوف ما أنساهم لذة الأمن

8. After this, it was fitting that their descent,
Would be safely, but they did not attain safety or bounty.

٨. نحوا بعد هذا أن يكون نزولُهم
بأمن فلم يحظوا بأمن ولا مَنّ

9. They turned away from the mother of peace and headed,
Towards his judgement, remaining if he willed or vanishing.

٩. نضوا عنهم لأم السلام وأقبلوا
على حكمه يبقى إذا شاء أو يفني

10. Their intentions there portrayed them, so they became,
Like harvest, as eyelids close over eyes.

١٠. نعتْهم نواعيهم هناكَ فأصبحوا
حصيداً كما تغضي على الجفن بالجفن

11. Had they succeeded, their salvation would only be,
Testimony of truth, from which flows the greatest prosperity.

١١. نجاتهم لو وفقوا لم تكن سوى
شهادة حقّ يمنها أعظم اليمن

12. The outcome we hope for is the heaviness of its weight,
Tomorrow, then God's pardon for the lightness of weight.

١٢. نهايةُ ما نرجوهُ رجحانُ وزنها
غداَّ ثمْ عفو الله عن خفة الوزن

13. Warner of mankind from their Lord and bearer of good news,
A messenger to whom grace upon humans and jinn is due.

١٣. نذيرُ الورى من ربِّهم وبشيرهم
رسولُ له فضلُ على الإنس والجنِّ

14. Advice to God's creation in every utterance,
And far removed from any thought that casts doubt or resentment.

١٤. نصيحٌ لخلق اللّه في كلِّ لفظةً
وحاشاه من ظنّ يريب ومن ضِنِّ

15. Supporter of God's religion at every moment,
And far removed from any weakness that invites criticism or frailty.

١٥. نصيرُ لدين اللّه في كلِّ لحظة
وحاشاه من وهي يعيب ومن وهن

16. Guidance and light of two lives in them,
They are the light in the celestial spheres and water in vines.

١٦. ندىً وهدىً روح الحياتين فيهما
هما النور في الأفلاك والماء في المزن

17. Bestowal of the overflowing flood and mercy,
As the Weaver spread out the abode of the son.

١٧. نوالٌ لما فاض الأتي ورحمة
كما مهَّدَ الجاني درا حجرة الابن

18. God's blessings sprouted from His land through him,
So no withholding from provision or prevention from significance.

١٨. نمتْ بركاتُ اللّه من أرضه به
فلا دخر عن رفدِ ولا منع عن معن

19. I composed gleams from the meanings of Muhammad,
And presented them like flowers on a delightful branch.

١٩. نظمتُ شذوراً من معاني محمدٍ
وأطلعتها كالزّهر في الغصن اللّذن

20. The breeze of morning, whenever it blows, made its fragrance known,
With mention of God's Messenger, yearning towards Eden.

٢٠. نسيمُ صباها كلّما هبَّ عَرفُه
بذكرِ رسولِ اللّه شاق إلى عدن