1. I stood praising the Messenger in my poems,
If only I do not become exhausted, for exhaustion is so ugly.
١. وقفتُ على مدح الرسول قصائدي
فيا ليتَ لا آلو فما أقبح الألوا
2. My strength is sustained by him, and he is my pleasure,
My strength, and who can be consoled when hunger consumes them?
٢. وقوتي به معمورةٌ وهو لذتي
وقوتي ومن يسلو إذا أطعم السلوا
3. May God protect my soul from being obsessed with other than him,
Swaying into any water other than his water bucket.
٣. وقى اللّه نفسي أن تهيم بغيره
تدلّي في ماء سوى مائه دلوا
4. I stumbled upon the gentle meaning by which,
My closeness is brought nearer and my elevation made higher.
٤. وقعتُ على المعنى اللطيف الذي به
يُقربني زُلفى ويُرفعني علوا
5. And say to him my prose and poetry, and that I
Remain standing around his grave describing anguish.
٥. وقلَّ له نظمي ونثري وأن أرى
مقيماً حوالي قبره أصف البلوى
6. The standing of a lover complaining of the pain of passion,
And a heart that separation burnt in its fire to embers.
٦. وقوفَ محبِّ يشتكي ألم الهوى
وقلباً قلاه البينُ في ناره قلْوا
7. The events of this life destroyed mankind,
And left behind no patience or cunning scheme.
٧. وقائعُ هذا الدهر أهلكت الورى
وما تركتْ صبراً ولا كيدا خِلوا
8. The fuel of sorrow is that you do not see one of high character
Who grew up except that he became in the ground crippled.
٨. وقودُ الأسى أن لا ترى من سماوة
سمت ونمت إلا غدت في الثرى شلوا
9. Fate stubbornly disobeyed, though it did not disobey,
So it destroyed and burnt.
٩. وقيذاً عصاهُ الدهرُ عَصْواً وما عَصَى
فأودى وأقلى
10. Dignified, for fate twisted determinedly,
And in its ear is deafness to whoever argues against the twisted.
١٠. وقاراً فإن الدهرَ ألوى مُصمِّماً
وفي أذنه وقُرٌ لمن يخصم الألوا