
The minds of all creation are endowed with reason

عقول الورى معقولة عن معارج

1. The minds of all creation are endowed with reason
Through which Mustafa sees the unseen and hears

١. عقولُ الورى معقولةٌ عن معارجٍ
يرى المصطفى فيها الغيوب ويسمعُ

2. The knots of exaltation are gathered in the neck of Ahmad
And there is no lesson except that it is in them altogether

٢. عقودُ العُلا في جيد أحمد جُمّعت
ولا درَّ إلا وهو فيهن أجمع

3. The families of Fahr are all his daughters
And the slave of Manaf is a witness and altogether

٣. عقائلُ فهر كلّهن ولدنه
وعبدُ منافٍ شاهد ومجمع

4. This is the belief of the beloved, this prophet who became
And his ropes of wishes are pulled by yearnings altogether

٤. عقيدُ الندى هذا النبي الذي غدا
وسحبُ نداه بالرغائب هُمّع

5. I grieved at the tomb of Muhammad with my delusions
My throat and my eyelids weeping from ardent longing

٥. عقرتُ بوهمي عند قبر محمدٍ
قلوصي وأجفاني من الشوق تدمع

6. Carnelians, and in the Valley of Carnelians I am wed
Beyond it the mirage rises high and gleams

٦. عقيقاَّ وفي وادي العقيق مُعرّسي
ومن دونه يسمُو السرابُ ويلمعُ

7. An eagle, and rapacious birds, and I wish that I
Had trodden with my feet its soil as it comes together

٧. عقابٌ وغيطان وودتُ لو انني
وطئتُ برجلي تربَها وهي تجمعُ

8. I have bound covenants of love upon my heart
Hoping through them for kindly acceptance and aspire

٨. عقدتُ على قلبي مواثق حبه
فأرجو بها حسنَ القبول وأطمعُ

9. My soul's creed is that he is the best messenger
So to me Satan in that is altogether subdued

٩. عقيدة نفسي أنه خيرُ مرسل
فعندي للشيطان في ذاك مقْمع

10. I have disobeyed my father if my poems do not visit him
With the caravan no matter where the caravan intends to go

١٠. عَقَقتُ أبي إن لم تزره قصائدي
مَعَ الركبِ مهْما أزمع الركبُ تزمعُ