1. You have possessed my mind, my gaze, and my hearing,
My soul, my insides, and all of me entirely.
١. تملّكتم عقلي وطرفي ومسمعي
وروحي وأحشائي وكلّي بأجمعي
2. You have confused me in the splendor of your beauty,
So I do not know, in the sea of passion, where is my place.
٢. وتيهّتموني في بديعِ جمالكم
فلمْ أدرِ في بحر الهوى أين موضعي
3. And you have commanded me not to reveal your secret,
So my overflowing tears betray what I conceal.
٣. وأوصيتموني لا أبوحُ بسرِّكم
فباحَ بما أُخفي تفيُّض أدمعي
4. When my patience was spent and my endurance thin,
And sleep left me and my bed was deprived,
٤. فلما فنى صبري وقلَّ تجلّدي
وفارقني نومي وحرمت مضجعي
5. I complained to the judge of love, and said "my loves
Have abandoned me," and they said "you pretend love."
٥. شكيت لقاضي الحبِّ قلتُ أحبتي
جفوني وقالوا أنت في الحب مُدّع
6. Yet I have witnesses of melancholy and sorrow
To support my claim when I come to profess.
٦. وعندي شهودٌ بالصبابة والأسى
يزكّون دعوايَ إذا جئت أدعي
7. My wakefulness, longing, gloom, agony and ardour,
My fervour, my illness, my pallor and my tears.
٧. سُهادي وشوقي واكتئابي ولوعتي
ووجدي وسقمي واصفراري وأدمعي
8. How strange that I yearn for them
And ask longingly about them when they are with me!
٨. ومن عجب أني أحنُّ إليهم
وأسأل شوقاً عنهم وهمُ معي
9. My eyes shed blood while they are in their darkness
And my heart complains though they are between my ribs.
٩. وتبكي دماً عيني وهم في سوادها
ويشكو النوى قلبي وهم بين أضلعي