
I have for the crown of kings, Yahya

عندي لتاج الملوك يحيى

1. I have for the crown of kings, Yahya,
Yahya who enriches the poor with gifts,

١. عندي لتاجِ الملوك يحيى
يحيى ذوي الفقر بالأيادي

2. Eulogies, if they came to Ukaz,
Would make the generous hands tremble.

٢. مدائح لو أتت عكاظاً
فهِّد قس بها الأيادي

3. Lord of the soft, delicate canal,
And the white, red absent from the executioner,

٣. رب القنا الراعفات سمرا
والبيض حمرا غب الجلادِ

4. The wolf of generosity to the hopeful,
In the difficult, frozen year.

٤. الذائب الجود للمرجي
في السنة الصعبة الجمادِ

5. And the leader of horses, lofty,
Scenting the valleys to the enemies,

٥. والقائد الخيل مشرفات
شم الهوادي إلى الأعادي

6. With a glorious, magnificent comfort,
From the gifts of the generous hands.

٦. ذو راحة سبطة أراحت
من أعطيات الأيدي الجعادِ

7. His habit is to see him as generous,
With his renewal of the repeat.

٧. عادته أن تراه سمحا
برفده المبدي المعادِ

8. Oh, woe to the over-indulged one,
Who missed his purpose at the doors.

٨. يا ويح مسترفد عدته
عن قصد أبوابه الغوادي

9. And best is he who tomorrow hopes for,
A call for him that makes the valleys shy.

٩. وحبذا من غدا يرجَّى
ندى له يخجل الغوادي

10. I have hung on it, with my banner,
The tear of the generous, free horse.

١٠. علقت منه بأريحيٍّ
خرق حييى حر جوادِ

The purpose of his charity is fruitful,

١١. مراد إحسانه خصيب
ينال فيهأقصى المرادِ

12. Attaining through it the utmost purpose.
He has blocked, from my need, his generosity,

١٢. قد سد من خلتي نداه
ومعوزا كنت من سدادِ

13. And I was lacking from closure.
The most deserving of the high abode and the most flowing of them,

١٣. أحرى الورى بالعلى وأجرى
منهم إذا سيل سيل وادِ

14. When a torrent flows, a valley torrent.
In every club, he has helpers

١٤. في كل ناد له إياد
لطالبي رفده تنادي

15. Calling those seeking his support.
Few are those with grace among us

١٥. قليل مَنٍّ بالمَنِّ فينا
جم ندى الكف والرمادِ

16. The rich call and ashes have gathered.
Taking those seeking from them

١٦. مبلغ القاصدين منهما
راموه منه بلا اقتصادِ

17. They sought it from him without moderation.
How many shackles has he undone from a captive

١٧. كم فك أصفاده أسيرا
كان من الفقر في صفادِ

18. Who was from poverty in the cuffs.
So his generosity is diffusing and returning

١٨. فجوده رائح وغاد
يسري إلى رائح وغادِ

19. Flowing to diffusing and returning.
And my Lord, an army like a torrential flood,

١٩. وربي جيش كالسيلِ طامِ
والليل مُحلولِك السوادِ

20. And the dissolved black night.
It is as if its heroes are black

٢٠. كأن أبطاله اسود
تحمل غلبا من الصعادِ

21. Bearing conquests from the elevated places.
The truth of purpose emerged in it

٢١. برزت فيه بصدق عزم
أحد من بيضه الحدادِ

22. One from its white smiths.
The support of religion hoped for remains

٢٢. بقيت عون الدين المرجى
للسؤدد الجم والسدادِ

23. For the giant, accumulated, closing.
O presence of generosity and gifts

٢٣. يا حاضر الجود والعطايا
لكل ما حاضر وبادي

24. For all that is present and remote.
O giver of courage under aspiration

٢٤. يا واهب الجرد تحت مرد
والبدن والبدن الجرادِ

25. And body, and many bodies of locusts.
If not for being stingy with me for a while,

٢٥. لولا ضنى بي ألم حينا
لا زال حلفا لمن تعادي

26. He would still be an ally against those who resist.
The mention of you was the cure from it

٢٦. ذكرك كان الشفاء منه
إذ زاد بي والدعاء زادي

27. When the supplication against me increased.
I came in my usual way with praise

٢٧. جئت على عادتي بمدحٍ
تحفة شادٍ وزاد حادي

28. A feast of joy and increase of guidance.
The envious testify to me that

٢٨. يشهد لي الحاسدون أني
قد زدت فيه على زيادِ

29. I have exceeded in it over excess.

٢٩. إسعد بشهر الصيام واخلد
ما خلِّدت هضبتا نضادِ

30. Rejoice in the month of fasting and smile
At what immortalized the two cheeks.

٣٠. وابقَ لامر له نفاذ
في كل أرضٍ بلا نفادِ