1. I saw you, O protector of religion
Nobler than the noblest ambitions we see
١. رأيتك يا همام الدي
ن أعلى من نرى همما
2. And most generous with his dirham
And staunchest defender of the inviolable sanctuary
٢. وأبذلهم لدرهمه
وامنعهم عراس حمى
3. Openhanded, never ceasing to drive away want from us
A lion in battle
٣. جوادا لم يزل بالجو
عنا يطرد العدما
4. And a raincloud that makes blessings grow
A youth whose praises
٤. وليثا يوم معركة
وغيثا ينبت النعما
5. Are sung for the knowledge he possesses
When the hopeful sees
٥. فتى يثني مقرظه
عليه بالذي علما
6. The perfection of his benevolence, he is awed
Indeed he has helped at time of peril
٦. إذا ما أمعه الراجي
رأي إِحسانه أمما
7. And departed in noble old age
O Mahmoud, remain forever celebrated
٧. فقد أزرى على كعب
وراح مخجّلاً هرما
8. And a blood I am thankful to have shed
How often you made those who hope laugh
٨. أمحمود أبق محمدوداً
ودم للشّكر مغتنما
9. And made swords shed tears of blood
With God's abandonment, the unjust
٩. فكم أضحكت ذا أمل
وأبكيت السّيوف دما
10. Broke the union of your tight-knit group
You remained, as long as the morning light defeated
١٠. بتفريق اللّهى غادر
ت شمل علاك ملتئما
11. The armies of darkness with its troops
١١. بقيت الدهر ما هزم الص
باح بجيشه الظلما