
I have translated the poem from Arabic to English while preserving the poetic output:

قاضي أوانا أي خطب دهاك

1. I have translated the poem from Arabic to English while preserving the poetic output:
O judge, now is the time for you to repent

١. قاضي أوانا أي خطب دهاك
شيبك عن فعل الخنا ما نهاك

2. Your old age did not stop you from sinning
No one else would do this

٢. مهمت ما يفعل هذا ولا
يقدم أقدامك خلق سواك

3. Except your feet taking you there
You make the dead enter

٣. يلج الموتى وقد كان ذا
دابك مع أحيائهم في صباك

4. While you were playing with the living in your youth
God in a nation

٤. الله في أمة
قد درجت لا طال فينا بقاك

5. That will not last long among us, may your survival be brief
Greed takes him

٥. نهم ميتا
يدفن حيا أبدا في خزاك

6. He is buried alive forever in your waste
Take the money and loot

٦. المال وأنهب وخذ
منه وحصل وارتفق لا هناك

7. Take from it and gain and be content, no limit
And originate it with purpose

٧. وأصله بالمنى
وشلت من حاصله ما كفاك