
You remain glorious, O you who

دمت مجد الدين يا من

1. You remain glorious, O you who
Poured out his soul in generosity

١. دمت مجد الدين يا من
نفسه بالجود صبه

2. You have noble morals
And pleasing traits

٢. لك أخلاق كرام
وسجايا مستحبه

3. A hand that makes us feel shameful rain
Rather, you give freely flowing clouds

٣. ويد تخجل فينا ال
غيث بل تفضل سحبه

4. Abundant in the barrenness of the times thus never leaving moist
And you have views that have become

٤. ثرة في يبس العا
م فما تبرح رطبه

5. In royal matters, a remedy
The firm and mighty position

٥. ولك الآراء أضحت
بأمور الملك طبه

6. Like resolute, firm mountains
O generous one, easy to attain

٦. والمقام الثبت والعز
مه مثل العضب عضبه

7. And the crisis is difficult
The sword reddens and the guest feels warmth

٧. يا جوادا سهل النا
ئل والأزمة صعبه

8. And the gray-haired one is barren
You are the one hoped for and feared

٨. يخضب السيف ويقري الض
ضيف والشّهباء جدبه

9. So with yearning comes awe
Best wishes, O narrowness of the graves

٩. أنت من يرجى ويخشى
فمع الرغبة رهبه

10. Yours is spaciousness
The delegation is a relief

١٠. حبذا يا ضيق العذ
رباع لك رحبه

11. One secret after another
You have an illuminated face

١١. الوفد رواء
سرية من بعد سرية

12. Like the radiance of dawn, its aperture
And a hand that has made

١٢. لك وجه مستنير
كضياء الصبح نقبه

13. Its veins familiar paths
It is with a touch, demolition

١٣. ويدا صار لها أح
سانها المألوف دربه

14. Of the hardships of the year and its sufferings
O morning and eloquent one

١٤. هي باللثم حطيم
مدة العام وكعبه

15. You have become the sought and the seeking
I have hoped for sweetness from you

١٥. يا صبيحا وفصيحا
صبحتي خطب وخطبه

16. And lightened sanctity and bestowal
O grantor of the barefoot and close

١٦. رجحت منك حلوم
خففت قدس وهنبه

17. And the affliction is a healed wound
O truly generous one I have

١٧. يا وهوب الأجرد المق
رب والجب داء شطبه

18. In praising you, a yearning
Live long, how much you have gladdened the confused

١٨. يا رغيب الجود حقا
لي في مدحك رغبه

19. And how much distress you have relieved
And when the baseness of vileness

١٩. عش فكم فرحت مهمر
ما وكم فرجت كربه

20. Awake in war, be aware
You have sacrificed your whites for the protection

٢٠. وإذا جفن الردى الرا
قد في حرب تنّبه

21. A ritual sacrifice and correction
Lord, purify the bitterness of

٢١. نحرت بيضك للذم
ربه نحرا ولَبَّه

22. A polluted drink, refine its draft
The hunted refugee

٢٢. رب عاف كدر مش
ربه صفّأت شربه

23. You have secured his flock
God's gift and my loyalty

٢٣. وطريد مستجير
خائف آمنت سربه

24. To you is nearness to God
In every heart that

٢٤. هبة الله ولائي
لك عند الله قربه

25. Knows your blessings, affection
There is no one in the hearts of your praisers

٢٥. لك في كل فؤاد
ذا نعماك محبه

26. Who loves faith more than you
O generous one, you are moved

٢٦. ليس في قلب مداجي
ك من الإيمان حبه

27. By hearing praise, elation
Continue thus, leaving behind

٢٧. إن من يجحد معرو
فك ما يعرف ربه

28. Sweet as honey, gentle trails
Extravagant generosity and a grantor

٢٨. يا جوادا تعتريه
من سماع الحمد طربه

29. Of what the blowing winds have blown

٢٩. دم كذا خل خلال
حلوة كالشهد عذبه