
You have revived, O Yahya, with your generosity, what poverty had killed in us,

أحييت يا يحيى بجودك

1. You have revived, O Yahya, with your generosity, what poverty had killed in us,
And preferred the people of the land with grace, benevolence and bounty.

١. أحييت يا يحيى بجو
دك ما أمات الفقر منا

2. O you who pursue what is worthwhile, wearing fine clothes and following its worthiness,
May those who have not fulfilled their promise ransom you, and us as well.

٢. وفضلت أهل الأرض أف
ضالا وإحسانا ومنا

3. With your generosity make my wishes firmer, and bring my hopes closer to me and to us.
You are the refuge, so pardon me from one who makes wishes in vain from us.

٣. يا متبع الجدوى ولب
س وتبع جدواه منا

4. You have revived, O Yahya, with your generosity, what poverty had killed in us,
And preferred the people of the land with grace, benevolence and bounty.

٤. يفديك من في الوعد ما
ن ولم ينل منا ومنا

5. O you who pursue what is worthwhile, wearing fine clothes and following its worthiness,
May those who have not fulfilled their promise ransom you, and us as well.

٥. أشدد بجودك منتي
وادن المنى مني ومنا

6. With your generosity make my wishes firmer, and bring my hopes closer to me and to us.
You are the refuge, so pardon me from one who makes wishes in vain from us.

٦. أنت الوغي فاعفني
من جاعل المنوين مناأحييت يا يحيى بجو

٧. دك ما أمات الفقر منا
وفضلت أهل الأرض أف

٨. ضالا وإحسانا ومنا
يا متبع الجدوى ولب

٩. س وتبع جدواه منا
يفديك من في الوعد ما

١٠. ن ولم ينل منا ومنا
أشدد بجودك منتي

١١. وادن المنى مني ومنا
أنت الوغي فاعفني

١٢. من جاعل المنوين منا