
He aspires to the generosity of the minister,

في مثل جود الوزير يرغب

1. He aspires to the generosity of the minister,
And fears his cruelty in nature,

١. في مثل جود الوزير يرغب
ومن سطاه في الروع يرهب

2. The smiling mouth for the hopeful,
Good news if the miser frowns.

٢. الباسم الثغر للمرجي
بشرا إذا ما البخيل قطب

3. White is his generosity, it has roots,
Black has not ceased, and the year is gray-haired,

٣. أبيض جود له أثاف
ما زلن سودا والعام أشهب

4. Due to hatred you don't see in him,
To the hearts of people, beloved.

٤. لبغضه ما له تراه
إلى قلوب الورى محبب

5. Abundant knowledge, dignified patience,
Shyness hides from him, a defect,

٥. غزير علم رزين حلم
يخف عنه حِرا

6. Draped in chastity, shameful nakedness,
From all shame, breach, refined.

٦. متشح بالعفافِ عار
من كل عار خرق مهذب

7. I have experienced war every day,
His enemies, from his seasoned sword,

٧. قد جربت كل يوم حرب
عداه من سيفه المجرب

8. A sword prepared for every rebel,
Mischief or defiant instigator.

٨. سيف معد لكل باغ
شغب أو خالع توثب

9. Hopeful of his eternal fortune,
Exonerating his age, blaming,

٩. مؤمل دهره مرجى
معذل عمره مؤنب

10. It seems in the night of every mating,
A full moon tomorrow, piercing a planet.

١٠. يخال في ليل كل نقع
بدرا غدا طاعنا بكوكب

11. A towering mountain and an ocean,
His equitable forgiveness does not run dry,

١١. طود على شامخ وبحر
سماحه العدليس ينضب

12. My quarter was barren so I sensed moisture
From his truthful tidings, so it flourished.

١٢. أجدب ربعي فشمت برقا
من بشره صادقا فاخصب

13. And the blame of time was prolonged until
I came praising him, so he blamed,

١٣. وطال عتب الزمان حتى
أتيته مادحا فاعتب

14. How much forgiveness he has and provision,
Most excellent in his generosity and strangest.

١٤. كم من سماح له ورفد
أبدع في بذله وأغرب

15. He forgives the transgressor and forbears,
He pardons those who were disobedient and sinned,

١٥. يسمح للمجتدي وحلما
يصفح عمن أسا وأذنب

16. I swear the pouring clouds,
Gathering their hems and pulling along,

١٦. أقسم ما السحب هاطلات
تجم أذيالها وتسحب

17. Its laden clouds from every mouth
For lightning, more forked,

١٧. غمامها الجون مستهل
عن كل ثغر للبرق أشنب

18. One day in his most delightful rest
Upon an impoverished youth, and he moistened,

١٨. يوما بأندي من راحتيه
على فتى معدم وأرطَب

19. No, he did not imagine the painting of evil,
The palms of the two forearms have overcome.

١٩. كلا ولا مخدر هصور
شر دل الساعدين أغلب

20. Listening, so when he sensed a perception,
He brought out a tusk for him and pulled out.

٢٠. مصغٍ فإما أحس حسا
أبرز نابا له وخلب

21. He was afraid of what was exposed in fright,
As if he was going to the mating grounds.

٢١. يهاب ما لاح في إهاب
كأنه بالنجيع مذهب

22. One day he had granted him gardens
And today is a day at the mating ground, gray-haired

٢٢. يوما باجرا منه جنانا
واليوم يوم بالنقع أكهب

O pillar of religion, O generous one,

٢٣. يا عضد الدين يا كريما
نداه للطالبين مطلب

24. His call to the seekers, hoped for,

٢٤. كم أسد قد تركت ملقى
للوجه من طعنة بثعلب

25. How many lions you have left thrown
For the faces, from the stab of a fox,

٢٥. وكم وفي خضتها بنهد
عبل كسيد الفلاة سلهب

26. And how many camels in their menses,
Abal, like the masters of the barren plain, plundered,

٢٦. هيهات ما للطغاة منجًى
منك ولا للعداة مهرب

27. Alas, no escape for the tyrants,
From you, nor refuge for the enemies,

٢٧. تلحقهم والمدى بعيد
بلا حقات الأقراب شزب

28. You catch up to them and the distance is far,
Without the trotting of relatives, gulping.

٢٨. عشت الذي عاشه شعيب
فإن راجي مداك أشعب

29. You have lived what Shu'ayb lived,
For your suitor, I am pleading.

٢٩. تهنَّ بالعثر وابق واخلد
تحت رواق العز المطنب

30. Be happy with faltering, live on and sleep
Under the porch of glorious fortune.

٣٠. في دولة ما لها انتهاء
عدوها لا استراح متعب