
The radiance of our state has dawned

تبلج وجه دولتنا الإغر

1. The radiance of our state has dawned
Opening a gap for Islam, a breach

١. تبلَّج وجه دولتنا الإغرّ
لنا وافترّ للإِسلام ثغرُ

2. The wilderness has surrendered, finding guidance
In his obscured, most wondrous command

٢. وأذعنت البرية واستقادت
لأروع أمره المعتوم أمرُ

3. For the most generous Hashimite, a branch and roots
When the day of pride comes around, it is the roots

٣. لأكرم هاشم فرعا ونجرا
إذا ما عد يوم الفخر نجرُ

4. With far-reaching power, he overcomes warriors
With strong allies, his call for help inundates

٤. طويل الباع أغلب شمرى
منيع الجار سيب نداه غمرُ

5. Before him, guidance, with right and left flanks
In them both, safety and ease he installs

٥. أمام هدى له يمنى ويسرى
لعان فيهما أمن ويسرُ

6. And steps taken with counsel at his side
When events grow dark, he is the dawn

٦. وأقدام يشيّعه برأي
إذا دجت الحوادث فهو فجرُ

7. His generosity endears him to the hopeful one
A kind rain cloud and generous downpour

٧. يحبّبه إلى الراجى سماح
أبر على الغيوث ندى وبرُ

8. So between his structure and generosity a link exists
And between his tongue and estrangement, estrangement

٨. فبين بنانه والجود وصل
وبين لسانه والهجرُ هجرُ

9. The pulpits have been adorned since his name
Continuously mentioned, not ceasing to be recalled

٩. تخايلت المنابر مذ توالى
عليما لاسمه لا زال ذكرُ

10. And the citizens, some privately invoke blessings for him
While others publicly express joy

١٠. وأصبحت الرعية ذاك يدعو
له سرا وذا فرح يسرُ

11. The comfort of their lives rests with him
And he saw a time when it was bitter

١١. حلا بنداه عيشهم لديه
وكان يرى زمانا وهو مرُ

12. The trustee of God and the chosen one among us
Whoever disobeys him disbelieves in God

١٢. أمين الله والمختار فينا
ومن عصيانه بالله كفرُ

13. His generous hands, their number cannot be counted
Nor can their limit and end be found

١٣. سماح يديه عد ليس يحصى
ولا يلقى له عد وحصرُ

14. His abundant favors are not devoid
Of fine, generous giving and sacrifice

١٤. وأنعمه الجزيلة ليس يخلو
إذاً من جود منا جيد ونحرُ

15. His generosity established pillars
That shaded us, clouds of generosity

١٥. أقام الجود منه في بنان
أظلتنا سحائب منه عشرُ

16. When we praise him, in hand from him
Jewels and moons above our heads

١٦. أنمدحه إذا في الدست منه
وفوق الطرف ضرغام وبدر

17. Too great to compare him to a towering mountain
Too majestic to equate him to a sea

١٧. تعاظم أن نشبّهه بطود
وجل بأن يقاس إليه بحرُ

18. Of verses in the glorious Quran, prose and verse
Fall short of him, inadequate they would be

١٨. ومن آي القران المنديع
يقصر دونه نظم ونثرُ

19. We saw yesterday the armies of truth
The vanguard of his army, triumph and victory

١٩. رأينا أمستضي أمم حق
طليعة جيشه فتح ونصرُ

20. News of his conquests in Egypt arrived
Your Lord leaves no land devoid of that fate

٢٠. أتت أنباء خلبته بمصر
وربك لا خلا من ذاك مصرُ

21. Before him the plain of Mecca glows
Rock and pebble glorify him there

٢١. أمام تشرق البطحاء تهيا
به ويجلّه حَجَر وحِجرُ

22. A generous horseman, his palms inexhaustible
His benevolence to people never broken

٢٢. جواد لاندى كفيه نسزر
ولا معروفه للناس نكسر

23. We see him just of rule in his prime
So may the length of his days stretch onward

٢٣. نراه ثالث العمرين عدلا
فمد له مدى الأيام عمر

24. The minister lives, so he mends
The fabrics of Islam, strengthening its threads

٢٤. وعاش لنا الوزير فذاك خرق
به يشتد للإسلام أزر

25. Brother of raids, the lowly deny him
Yet the oryx and doe recognize him

٢٥. أخو الغارات تنكره الهوينا
وتعرفه ظبي بيض وسمر

26. Beloved of noble deeds and gifts
As if his nature is water and wine

٢٦. خليل للمكارم والعطايا
كأن خلاله ماء وخمر

27. Hatim's generosity seems stingy before his
Making Zayd and Amr beloved to him

٢٧. يبخل حاتم كرما لديه
ويحببن عنده زيد وعمرو

28. His horses rip through, bringing benefit, impetuous
His white swords red with striking blows

٢٨. فشقر خيوله بالنفع دهم
وبيض سيوفه بالضرب حمر

29. Possessor of generosity, the hoped for Master
And in his grip, benefit and harm

٢٩. أمولى الجود والمولى المرجي
ومن في كفّه نفع وضر

30. O you whose era squeezes out for the hopeful
When times were harsh, an era and treasure

٣٠. ويا من عصره لبني الأماني
إذا زمن نبا عصر وذخرا

31. You remain so what you built cannot be destroyed
You last so who you enriched cannot be poor

٣١. بقيت فما لما تبنيه هدم
ودمت فما لمن تغ نيه فقر