
A man deemed unlucky is called Sa'eed,

ومنحوس يقال له سعيد

1. A man deemed unlucky is called Sa'eed,
With a head softer than iron itself,

١. ومنحوس يقال له سعيد
له راس يلين له الحديدُ

2. When injustice weighs on him one day,
He breaks, though his pact be rock-solid,

٢. إذا ما الجور جاز عليه يوما
تكسر وهو ذو عقد شديدُ

3. Thus is the breast of David's boy ever bruised,
And in the Misers' hearts for him only hate breeds,

٣. فصدر غلام داود مكوى
وفي قلب الكيِّ منه دودُ

4. He who was mocked amid river spray one day,
With cold pouring down as glaciers did recede,

٤. تمسخر وسط آب ذات يوم
فآب البرد وانهار الجليدُ

5. To his palm a goblet and horseback ride fit,
And his legs have love for shackles as their meet.

٥. يليق بكفه قدح وسير
وتعشق ساقه العبل القيود