
If the heights of imagination pay a visit,

إن زار من علوة الخيال

1. If the heights of imagination pay a visit,
longing and passion will diminish.

١. إن زار من علوة الخيال
تناقص الوجد والخبال

2. And if the guides turn away from us,
then welcome that guide!

٢. وإن تناءت عنّا دلالا
فحبّذا ذلك الدلال

3. A fair one whose glance is languorous,
a brunette poised in her stature.

٣. حوراء في طرفها اعتلال
سمراء في قدّها اعتدال

4. She entwines the eyelashes of onlookers,
and the gazelle grazes by her neck.

٤. تغزّل المقلتين منها
والجيد يحكؤيها الغزال

5. Silent with kohl-lined eyes, her face
shines radiantly like lamps.

٥. صامتة الحجل ذات وجه
يشرق من ضوئه الحجالُ

6. From the light of her mouth I receive guidance,
from the darkness of her hair I wander lost.

٦. لي من سنا ثغرها اهتداء
ومن دجى شعرها ضلالُ

7. Disregard what the slanderers say of her,
for the stumbling of love cannot be blamed.

٧. دع ما يقول الوشاة فيها
فعثرة الحب ما تقال

8. O abode where I bid you farewell,
the camels departed with their beauty.

٨. يا منزلا فيه ودّعتني
جمل وسارت بها الجمالُ

9. There is no cool shade after sunshine here,
nor have the north winds grown cold.

٩. لا برد الظل بعد طل
فيك ولا اعتلت الشمالُ

I spend my nights sleepless

١٠. ملية بالمطال أقضي
من قبل أن ينقضي المطالُ

11. before the nights have passed.
I have purpose and friendship from her,

١١. لي النوى والصدود منها
ومن حسام الدين النوالُ

12. and from the sword of faith, attainment.
He whose wealth is nature, is wealthy,

١٢. عتاد من ماله عتاد
ومال من ماله مآلُ

13. and he whose wealth is character, has true wealth.
The destitute ask from him a patch

١٣. يسأل منه العفاة خرقا
ما ضاع في سمعه سؤالُ

14. no request goes unheeded by him.
I have attained what the glorious attained,

١٤. أنال لما نال المعالي
ونال قوم فما أنالوا

15. and a people attained, but never attained
A remedy that healed her,

١٥. دواء قصاده لهاه
وداء حساد عضغالُ

16. and a sickness that vexed the envious.
He loves giving generously

١٦. يعشق بذل السماح عشقا
ما فيه صدّ ولا ملالُ

17. with no reluctance or holding back.
His palm rains heavily upon us,

١٧. تمطرنا كفه سجالا
من الغنى بعدها سجالُ

18. then rain of wealth follows after.
A man of tarnished honor, and honor

١٨. ذو عرض ضائع وعرض
هذا مصون وذا مذالُ

19. this protected, and that condemned.
Give me good news of his generosity,

١٩. بشرّني بالسماح منه
بشر له رائق زلالُ

20. give him glad tidings of clear wine!
Disregard his words and be pleased with them,

٢٠. جانب أقواله وأرضا
يحلها المحل والمحالُ

21. let the appropriate and fitting take its place.
He never sets out unless you see him fixed,

٢١. ما صال إلا أبصرت ثبتا
تعنو لآرائه النصالُ

22. with spears ready to defend his views.
For his horses, every day there is war

٢٢. لخيله كل يوم حرب
من دم أعدائه نعالُ

23. sandals soaked in his enemies' blood.
At times he is soft, beseeching,

٢٣. يلين مستعطفا ويقسو
ففيه مع عفوه نكالُ

24. at other times, severity and vengeance in one.
Our praise melted him, so his qualities

٢٤. رق له مدحنا فراقت
لنا سجاياه والخلالُ

25. and refinement have melted into us.
Of a people, if they were named with pride

٢٥. من معشر لو سموا بفخر
وطاولوا النيرات طالوا

26. and loftiness, they would increase in stature
When they travel the seas swell

٢٦. هم إذا سوا جلوا بحار
تطمي وإن حولموا جبالُ

27. though they are surrounded by mountains.
I have collapsed out of yearning

٢٧. أليت بالقاصدين شعثا
مِنَّي وما ضمنت ألالُ

28. for them, though I never guaranteed success.
As if among the mountains they are from me

٢٨. كأنما في الجبال منها
وقد فلين الفلا جبالُ

29. and the mountains have been softened.
You are the only kin to me,

٢٩. إنك آل الوحيد منا
يا من سواه في العين آلُ

30. O you who others in the eye are kin!
For kingship and religion, there is no doubt,

٣٠. والملك والدين لا مراء
أمينه أنت والكمالُ

31. you are its trustee and perfection.
An abundance of bloodshed still redeems your ascent,

٣١. لا زال يفدى علاك غمر
يمينه في العلا شمالُ

32. while your right hand is raised to the climax.
That is a guarantor for whoever saw him,

٣٢. ذاك ثماد لمن رآه
وأنت للمرتجى ثمالُ

33. while you are the hope of the hopeful.
His words are without action,

٣٣. نداه قول بلا فعال
وأنت يتلو القول الفعالُ

34. while yours, words lead to action.
So hear in it the gravity of meaning,

٣٤. فاسمع بها جزلة المعاني
بديعة سحرها حلالُ

35. the wonders of its magic are pure.
Singular in verse about her

٣٥. واحدة في القريض عنها
تقصر السبعة الطوالُ

36. that the seven long poems fall short.
As long as meadows laugh,

٣٦. بقيت ما ضاحكت رياض
جفون سحب لها انهمالُ