1. You are known for your generosity and nobility
And have become the most generous of the generous
١. عرفت ببذل السدى والندى
وأصبحت أكرم من يجتدى
2. You have sworn, while you live, never to cease
Being the life of leaders and the death of enemies
٢. حلفت لأنت حيا لم يزل
حياة الولاة وحتف العدا
3. So you have attained your wishes, O Munificent one
Always generous, yet still seeking more to give
٣. فنلت أَمانيك من منعم
كريم ولا زلت مسترفدا
4. O Father of Excellence, O Glory of the Faith
Who has never ceased to bring aid and fortune
٤. أبا الفضل يا مجد دين الإله
ومن لم يزل مسعفا مسعدا
5. O Honor of the Two Noble Sanctuaries, whom
People are guided by the light of your views
٥. ويا شرف الحضرتين الذي
بأنوار آرائه يهتدى
6. O God, how much do I hold your helping hand
That dispels the gloom of my dark fortune
٦. لك الله كم لك عندي يد
مبيضة حظي الأسودا
7. Your flint shows me a spark when my affairs
Have become totally dark and lacking light
٧. يُري لي زنادك إما قدحت
إذا ما زناد أمري أَصلدا
8. If it were not for my father drawing copiously
With your palm, showering us with constant rain
٨. إلا بأَبي سحب ثرَّة
بكفك تمطرنا عسجدا
9. The beauty of your nature, that which
Shames Time, though Time is not shameful
٩. وحسن خلالك تلك التي
بها يخجل الدهر غب الندى
10. You have attained the utmost heights of nobility
In generosity, and surpassed them in bounty
١٠. شأوت الكرام الألى نائلا
وجودا وحزتهم سؤددا
11. And how many times have you turned back
The obstinate one, breaking his hardened spear
١١. وكم موقف رد رأد النها
ر نقع سنابكه أربدا
12. You have made the spear a goal, and the sword
In its stillness has found its destination
١٢. جعلت القنا قصدا والشجا
ع في هبوتيه لقى مقصدا
13. You did not bare your sword until you left
The reserves of arrows to it, sheathed
١٣. ولم تعر بيضك حتى ترك
ت هام الكماة لها أغمدا
14. When swords bow down in wars
You see the heads bowing down to them in prostration
١٤. سيوف إذا ركعت في الحرو
ب رأيت الرؤوس لها سجدا
15. With my soul I would ransom the Munificent one
And say to him, people are altogether ransomed for him
١٥. بنفسي أفديه من منعم
وقل له الناس طرا فدا
16. A youth who gladdened God by praising him
And saddened his envious enemies
١٦. فتى أفرحَ الهُ مُدّاحه
وأترح أعداءَه الحسَّدا
17. He protected those who treated him harshly
When fate was harsh and tyrannical with him
١٧. أجار من الدهر من غاله
وقد جار في صرفه واعتدى
18. When he promises, the lips of hopes smile
And swords weep when he makes threats
١٨. إذا وعد افتر ثغر المنى
وتبكي السيوف إذا أوعدا
19. Every generous saying rings true
When attributed to his generosity
١٩. وكل حديث سماح يصح
إذا كان عن جوده مسندا
20. He has nobility in the sky of glory
That the shining stars take for their own
٢٠. له شرف في سماء الفخا
ر يحسبه الفرقد الفرقدا
21. His giving is close to those near and far
It encompassed all, both near and distant
٢١. وبذل قريب من السائلي
ن عم الأقار ب والأبعدا
22. And so, O most generous of all people
Most pure of soul and strongest in faith
٢٢. وبعد فيا اسمح العالمي
ن نفسا وأزكاهم محتدا
23. I send to you this praise which
Will be the crown jewel of praises
٢٣. أزف إليك الثناء الذي
يكون لتاج الثنا معقدا
24. If recited, it will be a masterpiece
For the eloquent speaker and critic
٢٤. إذا أنشدوه غدا تحفة
لشاد شدا ولحاد حدا
25. Its indications point to you
As the rain and bounty overflowing
٢٥. تدل عليك إشاراته
بأنك غمر الندى والردا
26. So return, despite the nose of the envious
With good fortune, O best of those who return!
٢٦. فعيد على ر غم أنف الحسو
د بالسعد يا خير من عيدا