1. My young companion of morning draughts has left me,
My lot is care, and toil without relief.
١. غادرني صبّا حليف الوصب
نصيبي الهمّ وطول النصب
2. He was erect in frame, and beautifully moulded,
Like a castle that the breeze shakes into ripples.
٢. غض الصبا معتدل قده
كالحصن هزته صبا فاضطرب
3. As though in his mouth lay, beyond the white fence,
Wine whose seal musk had set on the flasks.
٣. كأنما في فيه غب الكرى
خمر لها در الثنايا حبب
4. When he came in his beauty to visit me,
Snatching my reason, but not my heart's troth,
٤. لم أنسه إذ زارني سالبا
لبي وعقد الأفق لم يستلب
5. The night was not long in its cover of gloom,
And the daybreak not bright in its silver whiteness;
٥. والليل لم يطو بنود الدجى
والفجر ما لشر بيض العذب
6. The full moon, when it faced me, travelling,
Seemed to carry his tent-ropes over its shoulder.
٦. بدر إذا قابلني سافرا
حسبته بالجلنار انتقب
7. He mingled for me, from his saliva, gentle wine
Sweetened by the son of al-Muzain, perfect in grape.
٧. يمزج لي بالصفو من ريقه
عذبا وبابن المزن بنت العنب
8. In a garden I had not known, he left his traces,
Making the rose smile there, and the branches lament.
٨. في روضة راض ثراها الحيا
فأضحك الزهر بها وانتحب
9. Lightning slips played on the stream from his hand,
Willow-wand, fashioned of silver, tipped with gold.
٩. سلت على الفضة من مائها
أنامل البرق ظبي من ذهب
10. As though his runnel were lines of writing
Flowing over the gravel that carried their form.
١٠. كأنما جدولها أرقم
أذعر في رملته فانسرب
11. The narcissus looked at his bent branch and leaned
Toward lips opened in thirst at the pool.
١١. فناظر النرجس ساه إلى
ثغر أقاح راق منه الشنب
12. The anemone, freshened in color, was shaken
As the melody alighted and stirred on its stem.
١٢. والمورق المخضر قد هزه
إذ غنت الورق عليه طر ب
13. The rose tells the story of his cheek’s down,
Scattered, O prodigal loosener of hair!
١٣. والورد يحكي نشره ضائعا
نشر أبي الفضل المضاع النشب
14. He is friend of high places, drawer of trains
Bestower of lavish gifts, worthy in deeds.
١٤. الصاحب الساحب ذيل العلى
والواهب الخرق الكريم الحسب
15. A horseman whose steed is whitest of all,
Ostrich-plumed; neither boon-fellow nor outcast.
١٥. فارس بيض الهند مذروبة
والخيل قبّا والقنا واليلب
16. My heart is on fire from his maxim, deterring
Transgression; his purpose vanquishes armies.
١٦. اعلب مشحوذ غرارا النهى
والعزم ما غالب الا غلب
17. His radiance outshines the full light of morning,
His wisdom shows dark tribulation the way.
١٧. رواؤه يكسف شمس الضحى
ورأيه يكشف داجي الكرب
18. Diver in seas of munificence, rain-cloud of gifts,
Star of glory's height, scion of noblest stock,
١٨. طامي بحار الجود هامي الندى
عالي منار المجد زاكي الحسب
19. Of countenance white foretelling delight,
Of sword-blade red speaking of wounds.
١٩. مبيض وجه الرفد يوم الرضا
محمر متن السيف يوم الغضب
20. By his safety is gained all that we hope for,
By contention with him comes heavy defeat.
٢٠. قد فاز من سالمه بالمنى
وباء من حاربه بالحر ب
21. The best in wisdom hastens to greet him.
Orator mounted on pride for a camel-ride,
٢١. تلقاه قيس الرأي إما عرا
خطب وقص القول إما خطب
22. If those who surpass in their gifts have precedence,
There is no doubt by whose spring men take water.
٢٢. إن فضل الأجواد طرا فلا
مرية إن يفضل نبع غرب
23. Graceful toward gratitude, not toward ignorance,
Gratitude, in the noble, itself is expected.
٢٣. محتقب للشكر لا للهمى
والشكر من أنفس ما يحتقب
24. Upholder of Islam, from whom I have gained
High excellence, lordly position and rank!
٢٤. مؤيد الإسلام يا منعما
سمت معالي مجده والرتب
25. O whose nature is sweetness composed,
As if molded from a magical compound,
٢٥. يا من نرى أخلاقه حلوة
كأنها مخلوقة من ضرب
26. By God, ere the dew has descended from night,
The embassy travelers take joyful leave,
٢٦. لله بشراك قبل الندى
يبشر الوفد بنجح الطلب
27. Resolute like fire, chieftains
Who, if cast in the sea, would enflame it!
٢٧. وعزمة كالنار وقادة
لو رمي الماء بها لالتهب
28. Lion for protectors, when roused to anger,
Deluging rain when defenders show weakness.
٢٨. أصبحت كالليث حمى غيله
بأسا وكالغيث همى وانسكب
29. Not one who appealed to you at the shrines
Came for naught or departed denied.
٢٩. ما بعد الرزق على مقتر
ناداك إلا ودنا واقترب
30. O rider who leaves in the dawn, travelling
On his she-camel, more nimble than fox,
٣٠. يا راكبا شبت غداة السرى
برحله ذعلبة كالشّبب
31. Stay far from that tribe, and incline
To one never implored for a gift.
٣١. يحاول الري لدى معشر
ورد الندى بينهم قد نضب
32. The shelter of praiseworthy religion and laws
Killer of despots, lover of noble minds,
٣٢. خذ جانبا عنهم ومل بالمنى
إلى جناب قط لم يجتنب
33. Whose clouds, when they drop on the hills
Embrace them, and bow, and then slip away,
٣٣. جناب مجد الدين خدن العلى
وقاتل المحل ومحبي الأدب
34. Whose lightning smiles and laughs,
Whose thunder steps out and is gone.
٣٤. فما السحاب الجون مس الثرى
هيد به معتنقا وانسحبِ
35. One day may he rain on the seeker his gifts
Like the downpour of clouds in flood.
٣٥. فبرقه مبتسم ضاحك
ورعده وتجز في صخبِ
36. Then wisdom will show you no bound to his thought,
And none will have trodden his precinct before.
٣٦. يوما بأندى منك للمجتدي
صوب بنان سيله في صبب
٣٧. فلا نبا حد لرأي ترى
ولا تمشت في حماك النوب