
How did you get used to estrangement and abandonment

كيف ألفت الصد والهجرا

1. How did you get used to estrangement and abandonment
Deliberately, without expecting any reward

١. كيف ألفت الصدَّ والهجرا
عمدا ولم تحتقب الأجرا

2. For a lover who is afflicted by passion
And reaps nothing but patience from his patience

٢. في عاشق يجني عليه الهوى
فيجتني من صبره الصبرا

3. Every deceiver wrongs him
Burdening him with the burden

٣. يظلمه كل غرير له
مؤزَّر حمّله الوزرا

4. And a coquette created as a sedition
Whose eyelids fabricate magic

٤. ومقلة قد خلقت فتنة
أجفانها تختلق السحرا

5. On a mound or on a plain
On a twig which he made flourish

٥. على كثيب أم على ديمة
فوق قضيب زرّه زرا

6. I love him whether he kills me or wrongs me
Or does not uncover my distress

٦. أحبه إن شاء قتلى وإن
أساء او لم يكشف الضرا

7. The palm of beauty supplies him
Completing and shortening the waist

٧. وفر كف الحسن ردفا له
مكملا واختصر الخصرا

8. And lining above the roses on his cheek
Clear justification that justifies

٨. وخط فوق الورد من خده
آس عذار أوضح العذرا

9. I have not forgotten kissing him before sleep
And being far from that mouth

٩. لم أنس تقبيلي قبيل النوى
والبعد منه ذلك الثغرا

10. And between us from the scent of his breath
The breeze spread the scent of perfume

١٠. وبيننا من عطر أنفاسه
نشر نسيم عطر العطرا

11. While the meadow is green and its leaves
Carried pearls from its dew

١١. والروض مخضر وأوراقه
قد حملت من طلها درا

12. And the cloak of darkness has been lowered
Shielding what is beyond us a veil

١٢. وشملة الظلماء قد أسدلت
صيانة من دوننا سترا

13. The flowers are like flowers and have become
The horizon for them a river

١٣. والزهر كالزهر وقد أصبحت
مجرّة الأفق لها نهرا

14. And the moon tells from its face
A full moon that shames the full moon

١٤. والبدر يحكي وجه من وجهه
بدر ندى يخجِّل البدرا

15. The face of Ubaydullah is the one
Whose kindness enslaves the free man

١٥. وجه عبيدالله ذاك الذي
إحسانه يستعبد الحُرا

16. The one who has become the mouth of wishes
Mocking us with what he has squandered

١٦. ذاك الذي أصبح ثغر المنى
منا بما أولاه مفترا

17. I swear by the house that transgresses
Its disheveled visitors covered in dust

١٧. أقسمت بالبيت الذي يغتدي
زواره شعثَ سرى غبرا

18. That Amin Al-Din is righteous to those
Who give him favor and righteousness

١٨. إن أمين الدين برًّ بمن
يسومه الإحسانَ والبِر ا

19. Soil that cultivates the soil of glory
If it enriches those who have no trace

١٩. ثرى ترب المجد ذو راحة
إذا اعتفاها معدم أثرى

20. How strange is what the wealth escaped from my hands
Yearning for its obtainer to escape

٢٠. أغر ما فرّ الغنى من يدي
راج إلى نائله فرّا

21. You see death's black soldiers for him
When the antelope's whiteness turns red

٢١. ترى المنايا السود جندا له
إذا اغتدت بيض الظبي حمرا

22. And the most wondrous is the friction of his pens
With their typographic dark inscription

٢٢. وأروع تعرك أقلامه
بخطّها الخطيّة السمرا

23. His generosity concealed my conditions
With an ocean of generosity that shames the ocean

٢٣. سترت أحوالي من جوده
ببحر جود يفضح البحرا

24. May Allah protect you man
Whose rest his generosity has made abundant

٢٤. أحبه الله فداك امرؤ
قد فركت راحته الوفرا

25. He upholds goodwill out of love for him
And abandons vulgarity and estrangement

٢٥. يواصل المعروف حبا له
ويهجر الفحشاء والهجرا

26. O honor of Islam, O comforter
Whose munificence sweetened our lives

٢٦. يا شرف الإسلام يا منعما
حلى نداه عيشنا المرا

27. I lived so how much I complained about a garment of
Distress, destitute and blameworthy

٢٧. عشت فكم أعربت من لبسة ال
إفلاس مضطرا ومعترا

28. Since the day I crossed over, my eyelids became
Forgetful, wakeful, tearful

٢٨. من يوم عبَّرت غدت مقلتي
ساهية ساهرة عبرى

29. They look after poetry for you, and that is right for them
When you were the one who looked after poetry

٢٩. ترعى لك الشعرى وحق لها
إذ كنت من يرعى لها الشعرا

30. So who was saturated by your hands
O you of hands, infatuated, infatuating

٣٠. فمن لصب بأياديكم
يا ذا الأيادي مغرم مغري

31. He lost his patience from him and transgressed
The measure of longing with him became ample

٣١. قد ضاع منه صبره واغتدى
صاع التنائي عنده كرّا

32. He used not to be patient a day, so he has
Become counting the day and month

٣٢. قد كان لا يصبر يوما فقد
صار يعد اليوم والشهرا

33. He loves to read from your books
As a substitute for your nearness, a line

٣٣. يحب ان يقرأ من كتبكم
نيابة عن قربكم سطرا

34. And to see clothes carried
Ten to his doors, ten

٣٤. ويبصر الأثواب محمولة
عشرا إلى أبوابه عشرا

35. You still host the poetry guest who
With your kindness prospers

٣٥. لا زلت تقري ضيف شعري الذي
بمثل إحسانكم يقرا