
The gazelle of morning frolics

الله من ظبي غدا

1. The gazelle of morning frolics
Playing with my affliction forever

١. الله من ظبي غدا
يلهو بلبّي أبدا

2. Swaying like the breeze-stirred branch
Its supple body bending over

٢. مهفهف كغصن بأ
ن قده تاودا

3. O gazelle with the glancing eyes
That pierce my liver like an arrow!

٣. يا أيها الظبي الذي
بالطرف يصمي الكبدا

4. O you who left the springtime’s bloom
To teach these lids such bitter sorrow!

٤. يا تارك الصَّبّ سُدى
علمت جفني السهدا

5. Were you not content to leave me thus,
That you should rouse the dying embers?

٥. أما رضيت الهجر لي
حتى بعثت الكَمَدا

6. Do as you will, for you have gone
Beyond all loveliness, all splendors.

٦. ته كيف ما شئت فقد
جاوزت في الحسن الهدى

7. You know how love has ravaged me,
No medicine can offer solace.

٧. تعرف ما تعرف من
قتلي إلا القَوَدا

8. ’Twas love that taught me passion’s ways
Not patience, self-restraint, or wisdom.

٨. علمتني العشق وما
علمتني التجلدا

9. O you who give the boughs their leaves
And clothe the fawn with spotted splendor!

٩. يا مانحَ الغصن القوا
والغزال الجَيَدا

10. Come, walk the dusky shadows’ paths
Before the shadows lose their luster.

١٠. قم فاجلُ في جنح الدجى
فجنحه قد بردا

11. Though yellow like the wine it holds
This morn’s first rain is pure as heaven

١١. صفراء لو كانت سوى ال
خمر لكانت عسجدا

12. See how the showers spread their gift
Of emerald ornament on the garden.

١٢. أما ترى الغيثَ وقد
أسدى إلى الروض يدا

13. The lightning flash makes all more lush -
New grown greenery a servant tending

١٣. مُذَهِّبا مفضِّضا
موِّشحا معمِّدا

14. This tender grass - while thunder pours
As from a pitcher never-ending.

١٤. موَّردُ البرقِ يضا
هي نبتَه الموَّردا

15. Their spears made ready, the clouds assumed
A coat of mail and took the field, opposing

١٥. كأنما غدرانه
إذ كسِيَت تجعدا

16. The sun - the crown the king of all created beings wears,
Most glorious, set with hyacinths and rubies.

١٦. خفن سهام مزنةٍ
فقد لبسن الزردا

17. O paragon of generosity, courage, virtue!
Fount of grace, magnanimity, glory!

١٧. لبس العِدا إن ذكروا
تاج الملوك الأصيَدا

18. Noble one, who walks the path
Of lofty deeds and lives life boldly,

١٨. فتى الصّفاح والرما
ح والسماح والندى

19. Better than one who gathers up
His strength to hoard for days ahead.

١٩. الذائِب الجود إذا
كفّ البخيل جَمَدا

20. Praise shakes his frame even as
The lion shakes its shaggy head.

٢٠. أكرم من راح على
دِين المعالي وغدا

21. He threads the ways of bounty, new
And old, counting their number, keeping

٢١. وخير من يُجعَلُ مِن
ذخر ِ الليالي سَنَدا

22. Safe their honor. His intimates traverse
The battle's dust as if a plain unending.

٢٢. يهزه المدح كما
هزت يه مهندا

23. His pavilions are erected by
The spear shafts raised up row on row.

٢٣. سالك طرق المكرما
ت وعثها والجددا

24. All this he did to overcome
His foes, defeats on them bestowing.

٢٤. ورب جيش كالنجو
م عددا وعددا

25. A rock, pure white yet ruddy-dark,
Unswerving, keen, and battle-scarred,

٢٥. تخوض منه المقربا
ت الجرد بحرا مزبدا

26. With four strong legs whose hooves strike sparks
Of fire as they fly forward.

٢٦. ترفع أعواد الرما
ح صرحه المسردا

27. Surely he outstrips all racers in speed,
Distance gains with utmost striving.

٢٧. أعدتت ما أعددته
فيه لارغام العِدا

28. Woe to him who faulted me,
Attacked my poems, disparaging!

٢٨. أبيضَ مطرور الشَّبا
واسمرا مطّردا

29. Woe to him! Before he drank
My words like wine, and they inebriated,

٢٩. ونثرةً مسرودة
زعفا ونهدا أجردا

30. Before my sparks fell on him, flaring,
And burned him, till his rage abated!

٣٠. ذا أربَعٍ يلقي على ال
جلمد منها جلدما

31. I who till now have praised none
But you, till even praise was tedious,

٣١. لا مرية في أنه
أسبق عدّاءٍ عَدا

32. Nor lingered at another’s door,
Going there once, or going twice.

٣٢. ويح الذي قال وقا
ل في قريضي واعتدى

33. Today of him I say the same
Words yesterday I spoke of you.

٣٣. يا ويحه من قبل أن
يشرب خمرا عربدا

34. In all people, none but you I see,
Created for my sacrifice.

٣٤. من قبل أن تلفَحَه
شرارتي توقّدا

35. Give! Give unstintingly! For you
Are far above their meager ration.

٣٥. أنا الذي لم أمتدح
سواك حتى أكسدا

36. I have transcended their domain,
And none can reach imagination!

٣٦. ولم أرح عن بابه
مرددا مرددا