
I say to the rain when it flows in its valley,

أقول للغيث لما سال واديه

1. I say to the rain when it flows in its valley,
Speak of my eyelids, O valleys!

١. أقول للغيث لما سال واديه
تحدثي عن جفوني يا غواديهِ

2. Between you and me is a secret that you should describe,
If not for the beloved, its motives would not have slept.

٢. بيني وبينك سر توصفين به
لولا الحبيب لما نمت دواعيِهِ

3. I ordered eyelids that cry with it,
So who lent the lightning its brightness?

٣. أمرت مزنا أجفانا بكيت بها
فمن أعارا ضوء البرق من فيه

4. As if I visited him while the stars were asleep
And the night was soft or its edges had almost disappeared.

٤. أما وزورته والشهب ناعسة
والليل قد رق أو كادت حواشيهِ

5. When he decided to be patient the day he bid me farewell,
My feeble will embraced the weakness of my waist.

٥. لقد وهي عزم صبري يوم ودَّعني
أحوي ضعيف نطاق الخصرواهيهِ

6. The matter became easy at times so blame him,
And seek help, fearing the magnanimity of misguidance.

٦. أهون الأمر أحيانا فاعتبه
واستغيث فاخشى نخوة التيهِ

7. I plucked a blush rose from his cheek,
Purposely though he protected it with his gatherings.

٧. جنيت من خده ورد الحياء على
عمد وقد كان يحميه تجنيه

8. I disobeyed the one who stayed up blaming me for his love,
And I obeyed passion only to disobey it.

٨. عصيت في حبه من بات يعذلني
وما أطعت الهوى إلا لأعصيهِ

9. By God, many a garden was shining in the light of dawn.
If not for your cheeks, it would not have known beauty.

٩. ورب روض بريق الدن مغتبن
لولا ثناياك لم تعرف قاحيه

10. I came to him while the eyes of flowers were sleepy,
And the morning breeze became active in its corners.

١٠. باكرته وعيون الزهر ساهية
وللصبا نشطات في نواحيهِ

11. I say, O you who blame me for whom I was infatuated with:
Is keeping the branch upright better or bending it?

١١. أقول يا لائمي فيمن كلفت به
اقامة الغصن أبطى أم تثنيهِ

12. And this supple twig, does the bending of ponds send it
To the meadows, or do they call surrendering it to religion better?

١٢. وذا الرلي عهاد المزن تبعثه
للرونض أم يدعون الدين توليهِ

13. Do not seek victory but through his battalions,
Or glory but through his meanings.

١٣. لا تطلب النصر إلا من كتائبه
ولا المعالي إلا من معانيه

14. My God, what loyalty lies folded in him,
And what resolve and determination lies latent in him!

١٤. لله أي وفاء في طويته
وأي حزم وعزم كامن فبه

15. The defiance of armours did not deafen his swords
The day of the meeting, nor did enemies survive.

١٥. عضب الصرائم لم تكهم صوارمه
يوم اللقاء ولم تسلم أعاديدِ

16. It is said that when he pardons despite his gifts,
His arguments stand up for what he grants of claims.

١٦. قيل إذا قال عاف عن مواهبه
قامت بحجة ما يولي دعاويهِ

17. His palm covered up kindness when he met
So he manifested it and penetrated through its encountering.

١٧. تداركت كفه الإحسان وهو لقى
فأوجدته ولجت في تلاقيهِ

18. Fate willingly greets the flowing of his reign,
And opposes whoever opposes him.

١٨. يسالم القدر الجاري مسالمه
طوعا له ويعادي من يعاديهِ

19. I have reached in my time what I hoped for through him,
So nothing spreads what I've started to fold.

١٩. بلغت من زمني ما أرتجيه به
فليس ينشر ما أصبحت أطويه

20. The fire of torches burns while embers are dark,
And the year is stained with drought at its tips.

٢٠. يشب نار القرى والقور مظلمة
والعام بالجدب قد شابت نواصيهِ

21. Missing times have torn apart the hopes behind us
So it is inevitable that those hopeful will be deprived.

٢١. خرق مرت يده خلف الرجاء لنا
فلا محالة أن يمترا راجيهِ

22. The advisor in the kingdom he arranges
And the hopeful man faces rejection.

٢٢. مقسم الرأي في ملكِ يدبره
وعارض رجل الأرجاء يزجيه

23. If his leadership were applied therein, his ears would not
Hear in the curvature of a bow anyone calling him.

٢٣. لوسار سَاريه فيه لما سمعت
أذناه من قاب قوس من يناديه

24. He casts upon the night a night of his violence,
And throws stars, stars from his summits.

٢٤. يلقي على الليل ليلا من عجاجته
ويقذف الشهب شهب من عواليهِ

25. Every glorified armed one whose hand flows
To time races, exhausted from competing with him.

٢٥. يقوده كل مسبوح الذراع جرى
إلى الزمان فأعيا من يجاريه

26. None races him except the swift-seeking
Who differ from birds only in their obscurities.

٢٦. يعدو به لاحق إلا طلبن مشترف
ما خالف الطير إلا في خوافيه

27. He returns without seeing a day for him to lean on
During an assault, so he is the guide of frightful days.

٢٧. يعود لا يرى يوما له كفل
في غارة فهو يوم الروع هاديهِ

28. He starts every youth who forgets
Giving and intentionally forgets it.

٢٨. يغديك يا ذاكر المعروف كل فتى
ينسى العطاء على عمد وينسيه

29. How slight is honour whose ways are whitened
To seekers and whose mornings are joyful!

٢٩. مهون العرض ما أبيضت عوارفه
للطالبين ولا أسيدت أثافيه

30. In him is a disease of stinginess incurable
Except by blame, and I have what cures him.

٣٠. به من البخل داء لا دواء له
إلا الهجاء وعندي ما يداويهِ

31. I was not called Yahya when I was called it
Except to revive a dead hope, you are its reviver.

٣١. وما دعيت بيحيى إذ دعيت به
إلا لميت رجاء أنت محييه

32. By God, you are not weakened supporter of it,
One day, nor misguided, you are its guide!

٣٢. والله لا ذل لاج أنت ناصره
يوما ولا ضل راج أنت هاديهِ