
My Master Mjd Al-Din, O you who became

مولاي مجد الدين يا من غدا

1. My Master Mjd Al-Din, O you who became
The only shade for the virtuous is your shade

١. مولاي مجد الدين يا من غدا
لا ظل للعافي سوى ظِلهِ

2. You are but a lion in your valor
Determined, and a rain in its abundance

٢. ما أنت إلا الليث في بأسه
مصمما والغيث في وبلهِ

3. You have attained the utmost bliss in dignity
Answer the question of the foolish poet

٣. بلغت أقصى السؤل في غبطة
أجب سؤال الشاعر الأبلهِ

4. For he has come to intercede for a flower
And the like of him intercedes for his like

٤. فقد أتى يشفع في وردة
ومثله يشفع في مثلهِ