
If your eyelids are stingy with their tears

إن ضن جفنك أن يجود بمائه

1. If your eyelids are stingy with their tears
Then the heart is dependent on its sorrow

١. إن ضنَّ جفنك أن يجود بمائه
فالقلب موقوف على برحائهِ

2. O reproacher, let me endure my anguish
For love has taken hold and I'm not its equal

٢. يا عاذلي دعني أكابد لوعتي
لج الغرام ولست من أكفائهِ

3. Tell the dear departed, blessings upon him
About a love-sick man singled out by his afflictions

٣. قل للحبيب الهاجري طيب الكرى
عن مغرم متفرد ببلائهِ

4. Stand tall with fortitude over passion's pain
I have set out to meet my wishes among their dens

٤. قف بالطول على اللوى وسل الحمى
أني سرت عيس النوى بظبائهِ

5. The beauties, their glances entrance our minds
The deputies of the wise, their intelligence

٥. الفاتنات لحاظهن عقولنا
النائبات من اللبيب ذكائهِ

6. O Hind, be generous with union to a lad
The fire of love and longing in his heart

٦. يا هند جوديَ بالوصال على فتى
نار الهوى والشوق في أحشائهِ

7. Loyalty to the beloved purified
So he turned from him and became his enemy

٧. صدق المودة للحبيب مصافيا
فازوَّر عنه وصار من أعدائهِ

8. Then absence denied his eyes their fill after
He had been among his successors

٨. فنفى الكرى عن مقلتيه فراقه
من بعد ما قد كان من خلفائهِ

9. He unleashed upon him charm’s awe
The full moon is shy of his brilliant glow

٩. رشأ عليه من الجمال مهابة
فالبدر يخجله سني بهائهِ

10. His stature enchants hearts, his cheek a rose
That excels youth with its water clear

١٠. يصمي القلوب بقده في خده
ورد يعلّ من الشباب بمائهِ

11. Joseph is not his equal in beauty’s forms
The sun cannot match his peers

١١. ما يوسف في الحسن من أشكاله
والشمس ليست فيه من نظرائهِ

12. If Ridwa's hand shook his right
She would incline to him and become his captive

١٢. لو أن رضوى صافحته يمينه
لصبا إليه وصار من أسرائهِ

13. So who will protect and shelter from his tyranny
To deter his persistent estrangement

١٣. فبمن الوذ والتجي من جوره
ليصده عن مستمر جفائهِ

14. And shelter me from his coldness and fatigue
And far from the sweet of his clear spring

١٤. ويجيرني من صده وملاله
وبعيد عذبا من لذيذ صفائهِ

15. To Hammam al-Din most generous, glorious
Who inherited the heights and glory of his fathers

١٥. فإلى همام الدين أكرم ماجد
ورث العلى والمجد من آبائهِ

16. My resolve is fixed and hope urges me
Seeking the intimate from his sweet brotherhood

١٦. صممت عزمي والرجاء يحثني
طلبا لصاف من لذيذ إخائهِ

17. A hero whose chest chilled the cold of centuries
Bloodied on the day of the fray

١٧. بطل برد القِرن صدر حسامه
يوم الوغى متضرجا بدمائهِ

18. And when distressed, his relief
Outpaced requests, abundant his gifts

١٨. وإذا ألم به مؤمل رفده
سبق السوال له جزيل عطائهِ

19. I made him my confidant, professing my love
For no enamored conceals their passion

١٩. أصفيته ودّي وبحت بحبه
إذ لا يلذ متيّم بخفائهِ

20. So Hammam al-Din surrendered what youth offered
And dawn’s armies marched in its darkness

٢٠. فأسلم همام الدين ما هب الصبا
وسرت جيوش الصبح في ظلمائهِ

21. And he weakened with the month of fasting, blessed
In his fast, prayers and supplications

٢١. وتهن من شهر الصيام بنعمة
في صومه وصلاته ودعائهِ